The United States influences and interacts with other countries through a combination …
The competition between the United States and China in the realm of technology is a dy…
The Americans helped Israel greatly in defending against Iran's missile attacks, a…
Israel wants to occupy Gaza land by turning buildings and homes in Gaza into rubble an…
The history of cigarettes dates back centuries. The use of tobacco, the primary ingr…
They flew more than 1.4 million miles in 2019 only Traveling around the world is eve…
Sabrina Siddiqui asked Narendra Modi a question about "human rights and express…
According to the lawyer, the police continued to torture the black prisoner for 12 min…
Santa Fe (Daily Pakistan Online) The US Forest Service said authorities plan to use …
(Image source: Pixabay) Washington: In America, the most famous waterfall in the world…
(Image source: Pixabay) Moscow: Russia created a tsunami and weaponized it to destroy …
The family of a police officer who died a day after the 2021 attack on Capitol Hill ha…
Masjid Al-Aqsa (Image source: Pixabay) Washington: The United States has demanded that…
During a train ride in Oregon, a man attacked another man and chewed off his ear and p…
The body is stored for one month with specific links for composting. New York becomes…
Three people were killed in nine shootings in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.…
In the US state of California, Lake Erie, due to high waves and cold winds, the rows o…
According to foreign media reports, New York's Buffalo Airport, which has been clo…
A severe winter storm has swept the United States and at least 31 people have lost the…
A JetBlue plane had to be evacuated after a passenger's laptop caught fire at New …