US official who threatened Imran Khan

Who is Donald Lu? 

Can Imran Khan's allegation really come true? 

So let's take a look at Donald Lu's past.

Donald Lu served as a Political Officer at the US Consulate in Peshawar from 1992 to 1994 and is fluent in Urdu.

Donald Lu has a lot of experience in making threats. In this July 19, 2016 photo, he, as US ambassador, threatens politicians during a civil society rally in the Albanian capital, Tirana, threatening to vote for judicial reform if they do not join the European Union. So Washington will take action against them

According to the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan, the alleged US conspiracy against his government came to his notice during a meeting between US and Pakistani diplomats in Washington on March 7, 2022. It is also clear that the diplomatic cable sent from the United States on the basis of this meeting was written by Pakistan's Ambassador Asad Majeed. 

But who were the American officials who threatened the Imran Khan government? 

After announcing the dissolution of the National Assembly, Imran Khan briefed his party's members of the Assembly on the letter in detail in a meeting at the Prime Minister's House on Sunday.

He said that this meeting was held between the Ambassador of Pakistan Asad Majeed and the Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lu of the US State Department's Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs. 

He said that the meeting was also attended by officials from both sides who took note of the conversation and later informed Islamabad about the conversation.

So who are these 'intimidators' and 'conspirators' against the Imran government? 

According to Independent Urdu's research, Donald Lu served as a political officer at the US Consulate in Peshawar from 1992 to 1994 and knows Urdu. 

He is considered a senior diplomat for South Asian affairs. 

According to the US State Department website, Donald Trump became Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs on September 15, 2021. Prior to this assignment, he served as US Ambassador to the Kyrgyz Republic from 2018 to 2021 and to Albania from 2015 to 2015. 

Prior to his posting in Albania, Assistant Secretary Lu served as the State Department's Deputy Coordinator for Ebola Response to the Ebola Crisis in West Africa.

Donald Lu is a Foreign Service officer who has served the US government for more than 30 years. He served as Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) in India (2010-13), Charge d'Affaires (10-2009) and in Azerbaijan (09-2007), and in Kyrgyzstan (06-2003). 

Early in his career he was the Deputy Director in the Office for Central Asian and South Caucasus Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs (03-2001), Secretary of State (01-2000), Political Officer in New Delhi, India (2000-1997). Special Assistant to the Ambassador in New Delhi, India (1997-1996), Consular Officer in Tbilisi, Georgia (1996-1994) and Political Officer in Peshawar, Pakistan (94-1992) and Sierra Leone, West Africa (90-1988) Has served as a Peace Corps volunteer.

Assistant Secretary Lu is from Huntington Beach, California. 

He graduated from Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, from Princeton University and then did a Masters in Public Affairs. 

He is fluent in Albanian, Russian, Georgian, Azerbaijani, Urdu, Hindi and West African languages. 

According to US officials, he enjoys riding a bike, watching movies, traveling and spending time with his family. 

The Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, led by Assistant Secretary Donald Lu, oversees US foreign policy and US relations with Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tajikistan. Is.

The details of what he said in the meeting with the Pakistani ambassador were not shared with the media but Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that he expressed his displeasure over Pakistan's current foreign policy and no-confidence motion against Imran Khan. Was mentioned.

Imran Khan, in his strategy of dissolving the Assembly and thwarting the no-confidence motion, is trying to prove from the conversation in this meeting that this conspiracy against him was hatched abroad in the United States. 

He has also hinted at meetings of US officials with the PML-N leadership in London and Pakistan in this regard. 

However, the US government has denied any involvement in the plot.

Donald Lu is not a new name for Pakistani officials. 

He often meets with Pakistani officials on cooperation and other issues. 

He also recently met PTI Finance Minister Shaukat Tareen and was a keynote speaker at a virtual meeting on women on March 16 hosted by the Pakistani embassy in Washington.

Donald Lowe, Assistant Secretary of State for the US State Department's Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, is meeting with Finance Minister Shaukat Tareen at the Pakistani Embassy in Washington on October 15, 2021.

In her keynote address, she highlighted the support of Malala Yousafzai and other prominent Pakistani women leaders. Ambassador Lu reiterated that the United States is committed to working with Pakistan to empower women. 

The Pakistani ambassador then thanked him in a tweet. 

She spoke about the various initiatives taken by the United States and the valuable support of the US-Pakistan Women's Council, ie the commitment of the private sector, civil society and government leaders to economic empowerment of women in both Pakistan and the United States. Public-private partnerships were also highlighted.

At Imran Khan's request, a meeting of the National Security Committee convened last week apparently considered Donald Lu's remarks, but his name was not mentioned in the statement issued after the meeting. 

This meeting of the civil and military leadership called his remarks contrary to diplomatic etiquette and alarming. 

Now Imran Khan has portrayed him as the biggest villain of Pakistan. However, former Pakistani ambassador Abdul Basit said in a statement that it was not clear whether he spoke in person or as a representative of the government. "Diplomats often make mistakes."

On the other hand, there are reports that Pakistan's Ambassador to the United States Asad Majeed has also returned to Islamabad after completing his term. 

He is now awaiting a new appointment.

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