Showing posts with the label egyptShow all
After America, Great Britain also came out openly against Muslims
A meeting of Arab foreign ministers to deal with the Syrian crisis
Six dead from the second earthquake in Turkey what was left is gone
In 'revenge' for fiance's failure, boy sets fire to school
At least 41 people were killed and 55 injured after a fire broke out in a church in Egypt
Two ships with goods from the port of Ukraine left for Turkey
Two women were killed in a shark attack on the shores of the Red Sea
Tsunami threat in Turkish and Egyptian cities, UN warning issued
Egyptian university student killed for refusing marriage proposal
Why did Egypt buy 44 tons of gold in one month?
Qur'an burning incident: Swedish ambassador to UAE summoned, Egypt condemned
An oil tanker sank off the coast of Tunisia
Destruction of Sufi cultural sites in invade-torn Libya