They kept blaming others, but we ourselves were exposed

Supreme Court of Pakistan,PTI lawyers,Qazi Faiz Isa,Asia richest Indian businessman,Elon Musk,richest people in the world,politics,news,Imran khan PTI

The Supreme Court of Pakistan accepted Election Commission of Pakistan's election symbol appeal and PTI had to forfeit its "Bat" election symbol for not holding elections within the party as per rules and regulations. 

The Supreme Court had the longest hearing in the history of this case. Best of all, the two-day trial was broadcast live on all television channels. What questions did the honorable judges ask and what answers did the PTI lawyers give to these questions? Or rather, the doors of false propaganda favoring PTI against the Supreme Court and the Election Commission have also been closed. 

Now the air is out of the balloon so that there is no level playing field. This decision of the former chairman of PTI, according to which the reins of the party were handed over to the lawyers, turned out to be wrong. The world saw that the PTI lawyers could not prove the decision of the Election Commission wrong, nor could they prove that those who are being told such and such are not members of the party. 

In fact, just as sports and politics are different things, social media rulings and national media and court proceedings are completely different things. It is surprising that those lawyers, whose names we heard earlier and told about their experience, could not convince the court by answering the questions of the honorable judges. On the contrary, he admitted that there were some legal irregularities in PTI's intra-party elections. 

Also, both their plans A and B failed miserably. According to Plan A, after going to the Lahore High Court, he ran from there to the Peshawar High Court, even though the decision had not yet come from the Lahore High Court, and if the Lahore High Court ruled against him, then those in Peshawar. they would go to the high court and later they would be able to go to the high court. Why didn't even these lawyers get this point. According to Plan B, the PTI ideologue's election symbol was the use of "Batsmen" in times of need, which is chaired by Akhtar Iqbal Dar. 

The PTI, seeing its case weak and lost during the trial itself, sent a message to its candidates to submit their tickets with the batman's mark to the respective offices of the Returning Officers. As soon as this news was aired on TV channels, on one hand, the Election Commission issued instructions to its ROs that a candidate of one party cannot collect tickets in the name, ticket and symbol of another party, so he should not to have such tickets. On the other hand, PTI's ideological chief Akhtar Iqbal Dar opened the fake PTI by holding an emergency media conference. 

He strongly denied any deal with PTI. Meanwhile, the Election Commission of Pakistan has also decided to take strict action against those who fraudulently issue tickets of another party to their candidates or submit false declarations along with nomination papers. 

Thus PTI's plan 'B' also failed miserably. Chief Justice Qazi Faiz Isa asked the PTI lawyers that when the Election Commission was giving notices from 2021 what was your government too, why did you not conduct the elections according to the law, now you have conducted the elections. However, rules and regulations are not considered in it. PTI lawyers did not even have a reasoned answer to this simple question. PTI's lawyers had only one order that they were mistreated and ignored by the Election Commission and were stripped of their "Bat" symbol. 

The court repeatedly asked you to prove that the Election Commission showed bias against you, but PTI's lawyers could not prove their claim or defend their position in any way. He could not even defend his position that it is not the jurisdiction of the Election Commission of Pakistan to take party election symbols or not to recognize intra-party elections. Neither can prove that 14 other petitioners, including Akbar S. Babar, are not PTI members. In short, he could not produce any written evidence from the party in any inquiry by the court, then the court had to decide according to law and so it did. 

It was not the intention of PTI to hold intra-party elections, it was an attempt to throw dust in the eyes of the Electoral Commission in which they could not succeed. These court proceedings and its live show also proved that the current Election Commission is absolutely neutral, not biased or biased against anyone. PTI accepts every decision that is in its favor and is against every decision, court and institution that is not according to the law and in favor of this party. PTI's policy is to do politics only through bullying and deception. Which is contrary to the principles of politics, there are still stages to come.

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