America, Britain and the true terrible character of Europe are exposed to the world

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The ugly face of America, Britain and Europe, champion of human rights, champion of the so-called civilized world, has been exposed once again. They show shamelessness, indifference and callousness and support the tyrant in the mass murder of Palestinians in large numbers by Israel and the destruction of Gaza. 

The Dirty US President and Secretary of State assured Israel of unconditional support, including weapons for this massacre of Palestinians and the destruction of Gaza. 

About 2,000 Palestinians, including a large number of women and children, were tortured, thousands were injured and many areas of Gaza were reduced to rubble. All types of supplies, including water, have been cut off and no foreign aid of any kind, whether in the form of food or medicine, is allowed to reach Gaza. Being bombarded by 

With the support of America and Europe, a new history of atrocities is being written in human history in which Muslims are the oppressed. 

According to a news report, Israel dropped as much ammunition on Gaza in one week as America dropped on Afghanistan in a year. All types of modern weapons as well as phosphorus bombs were used in these attacks. 

Palestine israel conflict,israel gaza news live,united states and israel relationship,israel bombing gaza,Middle east news live,palestine martyred,UAE
All types of modern weapons as well as phosphorus bombs were used in these attacks. 

Even from the West voices are coming against this cruelty and oppression, protests are also taking place in Britain, Europe and the USA that what Israel is doing with the support of the governments of the United States, Britain and Europe is considered Clash. the crime. Yes, it is a violation of the United Nations Convention, it is against human rights, it is cruelty, it is oppression. 

But the Jewish lobby has so much influence on the governments of Western countries and the media there that what happens is what Israel wants. Therefore, the oppression, the oppression that Israel is doing, is supported by the USA, Great Britain and Europe, and the oppressors are not caught by the oppressors, nor are the oppressors prosecuted. 

If Russia drops bombs on Ukraine, the United States, Britain and Europe will listen to it, but no matter how intense Israel's bombing of Gaza is and how many innocent children are its victims, the position of these countries changes.

This is the ugly face of the so-called civilized world, Islam tells us that they can never be your friends, they have more hatred for Muslims in their hearts than their tongues. There is hatred against, which we have seen over and over in the past decades. 

Seeing the videos and photos of the atrocities committed on the Palestinians softens even the strongest heart, but Israel's heartless campaign of genocide against the Palestinians continues and neither it nor the United States is stopping this atrocity. Britain and Europe pull back to support Israel. 

According to reports so far, the number of martyred Palestinians has reached 2,329, while the number of wounded has reached nearly 10,000. During the Clash, more than 400,000 Palestinians were displaced, while the population of Gaza was deprived of water, electricity and food. 

The Secretary-General of the United Nations calls for help and treatment for the Palestinians, but the oppressor continues with his atrocities. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) says Israel's order to expel thousands of wounded and untreated Palestinians from Gaza hospitals is tantamount to a death sentence. 

The whole world is watching this cruelty, but no one knows when and how this cruelty will stop. What will happen in the coming days, no one knows.

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