A British citizen has been fined 150,000 rubles after throwing a cigarette in the street

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(Image source: Pixabay)

In the UK, a citizen was fined one and a half Pakistani rupees for throwing cigarette butts (filters) in the street.

a smoker named Alex Davies was pulled over by local council officials and given a ticket for trashing the street. 

For littering on the street or street, a special challan ticket is issued for a fine of a predetermined amount. 

The fine is usually £150, reduced to £75 if paid within 10 days. 

Alex Davies threw a lit cigarette just 20 meters away from council officials in the Thornbury area of ​​Gloucestershire. 

Alex Davies was fined £250 and faced other costs when he failed to pay the fine despite a court order. 

According to authorities, a citizen who throws a cigarette filter in the street will have to pay a fine of £558. Rachel Hunt, Environment Member of South Gloucestershire Council, said: "We can stop disposing of burnt cigarette butts. Crews who keep the streets clean are usually confronted with this. 

The person was caught spreading the same rubbish and confessed, but ignored the fine, so the case went to court. 

"Burnt cigarette filters are very difficult to get into the environment," said Rachel Hunt. They usually take a year and a half to ten years to decompose if left in an open environment. 

According to the United Nations Environment Program, cigarette filters are among the most commonly used items in the world that are not disposed of properly.

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