King Abdullah of Jordan condemns border clashes

Seeking mutual respect, independence and good relations with neighboring countries. (photo: Sharq al-Ast)

On Sunday, King Abdullah II of Jordan made a protest statement on the regular clashes by Iran-backed militias near the border with Syria. 

while giving an interview to the Jordanian newspaper Al-Rai, King Abdullah II said that Iran's has called for a change in behavior and said that Jordan does not want any tension in the region. 

This statement was quoted in Al-Rai newspaper on the incidents of violent clashes with drug smugglers on the border with Syria. 

According to the report of Batra, Jordan's official news agency, Jordan, like other Arab countries, has mutual respect and good neighborliness with Iran. , 

seeking good relations with non-interference in matters of state sovereignty. The report states that drug and arms smuggling operations are a threat to Jordan and other Arab countries, while these smuggling operations have reached Arab and European countries. 

According to Batra's report, King Abdullah has said that our security agencies are professionally vigilant and that Jordan is capable of thwarting any threat on its borders.

Security agencies are capable of thwarting threats at the border. (Photo: Twitter)

King Abdullah II has assured the Jordanian people that our country is keeping an eye on all kinds of threats and is continuing to coordinate with neighboring countries in this regard. 

He added that the effects of the Syrian crisis are devastating. It will require a special strategy to end it. 

King Abdullah II's statement said that we need to reach a comprehensive political solution to overcome it that will address all its implications. Such a solution. 

which would end the suffering of the Syrian people and create conditions that allow the voluntary return of refugees and restore security and stability in Syria.

A special strategy is needed on the crisis situation in Syria. (Photo: Arab News)

The Jordanian army continues regular anti-trafficking operations on the border with Syria, in this border area Iran-backed fighters are supporting the Damascus government after the civil fight in Syria since 2011. 

It should be clear that Oman continues. The statement said that on January 27, Jordanian forces killed 27 drug smugglers and seized a large amount of drugs from the area. 

In another such clash, an officer and a border guard were also killed. In his interview, King Abdullah has congratulated the head of the meeting held in Jeddah in recent days. 

In the summit, the Palestinian issue was given priority and the coordination between the Arab countries was reflected. 

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