Security Council holds emergency meeting on 'Crackdown on Afghan Women'

Taliban bans women from traveling without male relatives 

The United Nations Security Council has convened a special session to discuss new sanctions imposed on Afghan women by the Taliban. 

Consider issuing a formal presidential statement expressing concern over orders to stop 'going out' and to cover oneself from head to toe. 

The statement, drafted by Norway, would also call for an end to policies that oppress the rights of Afghan women and girls. 

The government has begun reiterating its policies and is targeting women in particular. 

In a new decree issued last Saturday, the Taliban barred women from leaving their homes and allowed female students above the sixth grade to go to school Has also been banned. 

In addition, women are barred from traveling without a male relative, and separate days are set aside for men and women in parks. 

Earlier, he told reporters that "the Taliban are focusing on imposing sanctions on women and girls instead of dealing with the worst economic situation and human tragedy, which will increase violence and fundamentalism." 

Has also said in a letter to council members on Thursday that the Taliban's new decisions are worrisome. 

The letter added: "(The Taliban's ban on women) is a clear insult to the Security Council's message to give Afghan women an equal and meaningful role in all spheres." 

"Afghan women are currently facing some of the toughest sanctions. 

It is the moral responsibility of the United Nations and the Security Council to condemn and take action against the Taliban. "

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