The snake that saved its life took its life, the video of the Indian citizen went viral

The snake that bit Devendra Mishra was a highly venomous ringed snake
The snake that bit Devendra Mishra was a highly venomous ringed snake (Photo: WikiCommons)

In the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, a person died from the bite of the same snake, which he had saved. 

According to the Indian TV channel NDTV, the snake came out of the neighbor's house of a person named Devendra Mishra in Shahjahanpur district. 

People started to kill him but they went and caught the snake. When Mishra came out holding the snake, people gathered. 

He wrapped the snake around his neck and was telling people about it. Likewise, he put the snake around his little daughter's neck. 

On this occasion, people also made a video of it which went viral at that time. Reportedly, the snake was highly venomous, but Mishra did not take it seriously. 

Another video of the same incident is also being shared by people when he was trying to catch the snake. 

In the video, it can be seen that they are catching the snake with the help of a stick. 

Two hours after catching the snake, it bit Mishra. Villagers say that after being bitten by the snake, instead of going to the hospital, Mishra went to the hospital. He tried to treat himself with herbs. 

After a while his condition started to deteriorate and some people tried to take him to the hospital but he died inside the house.

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