Washington's mysterious church for the first time in half a century will be open to the public

On Monday, for the first time since the 1974 dedication, non-members were welcomed here

The doors of the mysterious Mormon Temple in Washington, D.C., are being opened to the public for the first time in half a century. 

The church, like the scene in a science fiction novel, has been closed to the public for decades. 

The six golden towers of the Mormon Church and its ancient white walls can be seen rising above the surrounding trees. 

It will be open to the public this month. Only members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are usually allowed in the most mysterious building in the US capital. 

Kevin Duncan, a senior church official, said: What they do is a mystery, but as you can see today, it is sacred. 

It is very sacred to us. 

”The church opened its doors to the media on Monday and for the first time since its dedication in 1974, non-members were welcomed here. 

Visitors to the church had to wear white sandals. So that its attractive and luxurious interior can be seen.

Only members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are generally allowed in the building 

Earlier, when the public was allowed to enter the church, about 750,000 people came here. Remember that this church was closed in 2018 for renovation. 

It was supposed to reopen in 2020, but the schedule had to be changed due to the spread of the corona virus.

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