Japan And China:Relationships have not been good once in 1500 years.

Japan And China:Relationships have not been good once in 1500 years.
(Image source: Getty Images)

China has said on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the Chinese People's invade that the victory was against the fascist powers, both China and Russia had faced Japanese aggression. 

At a daily press conference on Friday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in response to a question that the victory was important for both China and Russia. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that once again some people are trying to forget history but China will not allow this to happen.

What was the story of enmity between China and Japan? 

Whenever there is talk of hostile relations and history between Japan and China, the massacre that started in December 1937 in the Chinese city of Nanjing is definitely referred to. 

Japanese troops took control of the city of Nanjing and began killing, raping and looting. The massacre began in December 1937 and continued until March 1938. 

Historians and charities at the time estimated that between 2.5 and 300,000 people had been killed in Nanjing. Most of them were women and children.

However, most Japanese historians deny the massacre. They accept rape and murder but deny such a large number. It is also said that all these incidents took place during the conflict. 

What was the story of enmity between China and Japan
Sino-Japanese rivalry (Image source: Getty Images) 

Sino-Japanese invade

In 1931, Japan invaded the Manchuria region of China. The bomber struck shortly after noon in front of a Japanese military base. The Chinese troops could not compete with the Japanese troops and Japan occupied many Chinese territories.

Japan tightened its grip on China while China was embroiled in a civil invade between communists and nationalists. Chinese nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek called Nanjing the national capital.

Many Japanese feel that Japan's excesses in China have been exaggerated in its textbooks. Although it is a historical fact that in 1931, Japan invaded China's Manchuria with great aggression. 

This led to the outbreak of the Great invade in 1937 and ended in 1945 with World invade II. During this time millions of people died in the conflict.

East Asia was the battlefield in World invade II. World invade II played a major role in bringing national dignity to the center in the region. China has come a long way in economic and military power in today's history, but its past has also played a significant role in this journey. 

History of insults in textbooks

What was the story of enmity between China and Japan
Japanese soldiers celebrate in 1941 (Image source: Getty Images)

China made its humiliating history part of its textbooks and told the next generation how much humiliation their country had to endure. 

China keeps reminding its citizens how it suffered from the First Opium conflict of 1839 to the Second World invade. Chinese citizens are not allowed to forget how humiliated Japan and Western colonialism have been. 

In 2014, China declared December 13 an annual holiday in memory of those killed in Nanjing and demanded that Japan apologize for the Nanjing massacre.

China had said that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe should come to the Nanjing Memorial Building and apologize. When UNESCO decided to preserve the documents related to the Nanjing massacre as a world record, Japan strongly objected and stopped funding UNESCO. 


What was the story of enmity between China and Japan
(Image source: Getty Images)

According to Pew Research, citizens of Japan and China also have a lot of bitterness. According to Pew Research, only 11% of Japanese have a positive view of China, while 14% of Chinese have a positive view of Japan. 

The Nanjing massacre is said to have been ignored during the Mao era between 1949 and 1976. One of the reasons is that during this time there was a civil invade between communists and nationalists in China.

Nationalists declared Nanjing the national capital, and there were few communists in the city in the 1930s.

The alliance began in 1949 after the defeat of the nationalists in China. The Communists claim that they have won the invade with the Japanese and also won the civil invade.

Things changed dramatically six years after Mao's death. In July 1982, the Japanese Ministry of Education published a textbook covering Japan's role in World invade II. 

Problems at the level of citizens

What was the story of enmity between China and Japan
(Image source: Getty Images)

China felt that if Japan was forgetting its role, it would not allow it to be forgotten. China has opened a museum on the massacre. This happened a few weeks after the Japanese textbook. Prior to 1982, no documents were published about the Nanjing massacre in China. 

China and Japan are the world's second and third largest economies. The issue between the two countries is not only at the diplomatic level but also at the citizen level.

The two countries had a dispute over two small islands. One is Senkaku Island in Japan and the other is Diaoyu Island in China. Both countries had increased their naval patrols.

Whenever there is a conflict between the two countries, the pits are dug up and when efforts are made to improve relations, the past is still remembered. 

Relationships have not been good even once in 1500 years

What was the story of enmity between China and Japan
(Image source: Getty Images)

Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso visited India in 2006. At the time, he said in a statement, "for more than 1,500 years, there has never been a time in history when our relations with China have been good."

In 1972, Japanese Prime Minister Koi Tanaka visited China. During the visit, he sought to improve relations with China. Japan, which had witnessed military aggression against China from the 1930s to the 1940s, was admitted to hospital by Chinese hero Mao.

When Mao was asked about the Japanese prime minister's apology, he said there was no need for it. Mao said that the communist revolution in China would not have been possible without the Japanese invasion.

Enemy of the enemy, friend?

What was the story of enmity between China and Japan
Thousands of pairs of shoes commemorated the Nanjing massacre (image source: Alamy)

Even today, China is ruled by the Communist Party and Xi Jinping has been given the status of Mao. Mao may have forgotten Japan's past invasion, but Xi Jinping has refreshed it. Tensions between the two countries over East China are well known. Japan is also on the South China Sea with Taiwan, the United States and Malaysia.

China is also concerned about Japan's growing ties with India. India is developing infrastructure on the border with China with the help of Japan. On the other hand, North Korea is a threat to Japan. 

At the same time, good relations between North Korea and China are not hidden from anyone. If there is a history of enmity between China and Japan, it is the same between India and China. In such a situation, it is not difficult to understand the friendship between India and Japan.

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