The 17-year-old girl who led France to victory was burned at the stake

girl who led France to victory was burned at the stake,John of Arc is the story,saved France from British,gained popularity,Juliet Barker,King Henry

"When I was thirteen, I heard from the unseen that I had to change my life. I did not fast that day. I heard this voice from the right side of the church. With these voices I always see the bright light on the right side of the church. After hearing this voice three times, I became convinced that this voice belongs to an angel.

John of Arc is the story of a poor peasant girl who wields a sword at the behest of occult voices and with her courage and bravery not only saved France from British occupation but also crowned her king. I also played an important role.

In the last days of the Hundred Years' invade against Britain in the fifteenth century, John of Arc became a national heroine in France due to his daring victories. She was born in 1412 in the village of Domilea, 45 km from Verdun, France and is also known as "Made of Lorraine". 

At just 17 years old, she became convinced that she had received a message from the unseen that she could lead France to victory. In 1429, Charles VII commissioned a campaign to break the siege of the Saints, and he achieved an astonishing success. 

He participated in many other invade campaigns but was captured in Companion in 1430 and was burnt alive in Ron by the British in 1431 after being found guilty of spreading superstitions.

Even their bones were reduced to ashes because after their corpses were burned, their bones were burned again and the ashes were poured into the river Seine so that no trace of them remained.

In 1455, his case was re-tried by the then Pope Calcist III and the verdict against him was reversed. But he gained popularity and respect in 1909 when public interest in his birthplace and personality began to grow in the early twentieth century.

During World invade I, there were reports of French soldiers carrying images of John of Arc to the battlefield, and on one occasion a mirror was seen in the clouds in the German army's searchlights, which was said to be It belonged to John of Arc.

In 1920, he was formally recognized as a spiritual figure, and the "Lorraine's Cross" became a symbol in French forces during World invade II.

At the end of World invade II, an agreement was reached between Allied and German forces in the forests of Compania. This is the same place where John of Arc was captured by the British army in 1430, five hundred years ago. 

A 16-year-old girl from a peasant family in France claimed that she had received instructions from the unseen that she could lead France to victory in the invade against the British.

Numerous books have been written in Europe and America on the tumultuous life of John of Arc and his tragic death, songs have been composed and so many films have been made that his personality has become immortal in history.  

girl who led France to victory was burned at the stake,John of Arc is the story,saved France from British,gained popularity,Juliet Barker,King Henry

To find out more, our correspondent asked British historian and author Juliet Barker, historian Daniel Hobbes, film scholar who translated the trial documents on the June of Arc, to highlight various aspects of the June of Arc story. He spoke with Ruben Blakes and Xavier Alavi, a French medieval historian.

Why is this story from six hundred years ago spoken in the 21st century? To Bridget Kendall's question, Daniel Hobbes said that in the fifteenth century, when society was completely dominated by men, a 17-year-old girl could achieve such a great victory. The story of this girl is a shining example for today's world when there is a lot of discussion on gender equality. 

According to Juliet Barker, this story is still important today because it is a story of deviation from all traditions in which this poor girl rises up to meet kings and lead their invades. 

The French expert Xavier said that June of Arc is central in Austria and France. A lot has been written about them and they are still very popular after six centuries.

The story of John of Arc near Robin Blacks is out of the ordinary. In the last six hundred years, people have written and created a lot to understand this story. Despite being a woman, she did what she shouldn't have done.

Bridget summarized the situation at the time, saying it was a time when France and Britain were at invade over various conflicts that had lasted for hundreds of years. 

Among the other controversies in this invade was the issue of who has the right to the throne of France. The British claimed that this was their inherited right, and when June was left, the British King Henry V tried to make this right a reality.

King Henry V's troops unexpectedly defeated a numerically superior French army in the battle fought on October 25, 1415, at Agen Court in northern France.

Henry V took part in the battle, while French King Charles V was unable to lead his army due to a mental illness. 

After this victory, Henry V was ready to make further progress in France. This invade was not only a battle between the British and the French, but also part of the ongoing civil invade in France in which the people of Burgundy and Arming had been facing each other for a long time.

Juliet describes them as the people of Burgundy leading the Duke of Burgundy, while Arming was following the Duke of Olivia. They both wanted to take control of the king. 

King Charles VI has been mentally ill since 1390 and was insane. They were unable to run France effectively and the country was plagued by palace conspiracies, chaos and strife. 

John of Arc regains consciousness in this turbulent period of French history when the people of Burgundy were invading their territories with the backing of the British and the village of John of Arc was under attack.

In a document attributed to John of Arc, she says of herself, "When I was 13, I heard a voice from the unseen say I had to change my life. I did not fast that day. This voice came to me from the right side of the church. With these voices I always see the bright light on the right side of the church. After hearing this voice three times, I became convinced that this voice belongs to an angel.

Xavier said of the unseen message to John of Arc that he had been told to go and meet Dufan and help him drive the British out of the country.

Regarding these unseen messages, Juliet said that it was not unusual for such a claim to be made. He said that in the 14th century you will find countless women who have received messages from God or claimed to have extraordinary spiritual abilities. Looking at the situation at the time, she said that at that time women had no representation in the church, so many women made such claims.

However, he said that it was almost impossible to know whether some of them really received any orders from the unseen.

Nowadays, if one makes such a claim, questions begin to arise about his mental state. Reuben said there had been speculation in various quarters about June that she had epilepsy or some other mental illness. 

Robin de Badercourt provided John of Arc with a few armed bodyguards and told him how John of Arc, from a poor peasant family, managed to gain access to King Charles of France at that time. After a long journey in the area, they managed to reach Shannon. 

The arrival of John of Arc in Shannon was also presented as a sign that he had indeed been chosen by the unseen to carry out some important work.

King Charles commissioned John of Arc to lead a campaign to break the siege of New Orleans. Juliet said that New Orleans had been under British siege for a long time and the danger was that if the British occupied New Orleans then the way would be opened for advance in the whole of southern France. 

When John of Arc led a large army to reach the New Olives by river, the winds were blowing in the opposite direction, but suddenly the winds changed direction and they entered the New Oli, where they received a warm welcome because they She came as a hope.

girl who led France to victory was burned at the stake,John of Arc is the story,saved France from British,gained popularity,Juliet Barker,King Henry

Regarding the role of John of Arc in the coronation of the French emperor and the greatest achievement of his life, Xavier said that the coronation ceremony was not only a political event but also had religious significance.After Charles VII ascended the throne, the Treaty of Troy between the French King Charles VI and Henry Henjam came to an end.

Juliet points out here that Charles VI and Henry V died in 1422 and there was no ruler in France at that time. In such a political situation, it was a great achievement for June to bring Charles to the throne almost against his will.

It was the culmination of John of Arc's life, after which he invaded Paris but failed. He then turned to other places that were in political turmoil. This shows that John of Arc always wanted to live the life of a warrior and settling issues through diplomacy was not part of his temperament.

Daniel said that diplomacy had not even come close to him. She always thought of a military solution and saw no other solution.

In this context, their role becomes even clearer. There were many people around the king who were advising her on a diplomatic solution but she had a very different view, so perhaps the king also wanted them to go back to their village and live a life of retirement. 

From here, her life takes a turn for the worse, and she leaves the company without the king's permission. Juliet said she believed "God is behind them" and would be victorious, but was captured by Burgundian forces.

The Burgundian army wanted a lot of money in return. The British wanted to prove that John of Arc had no occult help, so he was handed over to the church and treated as a prisoner of invade rather than as a prisoner.

John of Arc is a heroin addict, captured by the opposition and then sold to the British who accuse him of heresy. After all, who is the enemy of John of Arc who is behind them? 

In response to this question, Daniel stated that she was under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Boyou because she had been arrested in her area. There were many people in the British and Burgundy who were in favor of his trial.

Commenting on the role of the British in this whole affair and what they wanted, Xavier said that the British wanted to kill John of Arc and get rid of him. The British also wanted to prove that there was a witch's hand in the coronation of Charles VIII. 

Would it be fair to say that some Frenchmen also joined the British and there were elements in religious circles who wanted to kill John of Arc? 

Juliet said there was always talk of the French, but they were actually Anglo-Burgundians. In fact, the people of northern France supported the British. It was originally the University of Paris that sued John of Arc.

The university had more than 100 faculty members, of whom only eight were Englishmen who were originally English and the rest were Anglo-Burgundians. She said she disagreed with Zhao here, saying it was not in the British interest for John of Arc to be sentenced to death, but that he wanted her to be sentenced to life in prison for blasphemy.

Sentencing to life in prison would have eroded his status and raised questions about the reign of Charles VII, while the death penalty actually gave John of Arc a record of martyrdom.

Describing his imprisonment, Rubin said he was treated very well in the early days of his imprisonment, but as the case progressed, he began to harass the judges with his arguments. Gone.

Daniel, who translated the trial documents on June of Arc, was asked what he thought of the lawsuit. Daniel said it was a case of innovation and involved 70 charges. Then these 70 charges were reduced to 12. Men's clothing, bloodshed, and refusal to obey church orders were all against the traditional teachings of the church.

The manner in which the trial was conducted indicated that John of Arc would be sentenced. All that remains to be seen is whether she will admit the charges and be sentenced to life in prison.

An affidavit attributed to John of Arc, which he read out in a packed courtroom, states, "I confess that I have committed a serious sin, in the form of false claims that I receive messages from the unseen." Through the angels of St. Catherine and St. Margaret, misleading others, foolishly and recklessly believing this and showing weak faith, insulting God and His saints and revealed by God By violating the law and by wearing shameful, ungodly and inappropriate clothes and by making hair towards men which is against the modesty and dignity of women, by carrying arms, by the cruel desire to shed blood and by making this claim. That I was commanded to do all this by God and His angels.

girl who led France to victory was burned at the stake,John of Arc is the story,saved France from British,gained popularity,Juliet Barker,King Henry

John of Arc said a few days after his statement that he made the confession out of fear of the flames, which is understandable. She backtracked, saying she still believed she heard angelic voices. After that, they had no choice but to burn him alive.

Describing the burning of John of Arc, Juliet said it was a very dramatic moment. A bonfire was set up in the center of the city, around which the whole city came together. The sympathy for the congregation was aroused when a man brought a cross and a priest carried another cross from a nearby church. After the execution of John of Arc, his ashes were poured into the river.

John of Arc was sentenced to death in 1431 for blasphemy, but by 1450 he was highly regarded. According to Juliet, she was also involved in politics. By 1450, the British were driven out of all of France. This was done by the generals of Charles VII, who later obtained the documents of the trial of John of Arc.

The question then arose as to whether Charles VII was crowned by a woman who had been sentenced to death for blasphemy.

The case was later re-investigated in order to disprove the allegations against John of Arc.

When the case was re-investigated, who was spoken to? Zhao said that this time the investigation involved very interesting people. This time around, people in his hometown who had known John of Arc since childhood were interviewed. These were the people who said that since childhood she was different from normal children and her personality was very charismatic.

John of Arc was tried again and the case was re-investigated and he was acquitted of the charges, but five centuries later, in 1920, he was granted the status of a saint or saint of God.

They became a symbol of unity in France when France came under attack in the 1870s and then in the First World invade. In World invade I, French soldiers would go to the battlefield with portraits of John of Arc.

Xavier's idea of ​​how John of Arc became the person or character behind whom the whole French nation was united was greatly enhanced by the popularity of John on Arc in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. She was equally popular with people on both sides of the ideological divide, right and left.

She became popular with leftists because she was the daughter of a modest farmer and saved the French Empire. She was popular among the right wing because she was very kind and pious.

The situation was very serious for France in World invade II. France was defeated and France was occupied by Germany. This situation dates back to the fifteenth century, when the British occupied almost half of France.

John of Arc was a heroin addict and a beacon for those who mocked the German army.

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