Why do Christians around the world celebrate Good Friday, the Friday before Easter in April?

Good Friday Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem 

Christians around the world celebrate Good Friday on the Friday before Easter in April, and religious ceremonies are held in various cities to mark the day. 

According to the Christian faith, "Good Friday" is the day when Jesus was crucified in the Palestinian city of Jerusalem. 

Thousands of Christians gathered in the ancient city of Jerusalem on Friday to attend the traditional procession of the day. 

Some of the participants in the procession, which passed through the ancient narrow streets of the stone city, also carried large wooden crosses on their shoulders.

In the Christian tradition, the traditional route of this Good Friday procession is known as 'Via Dolorosa', meaning 'Path of Sorrows'. 

According to the traditions, the procession of 'Good Friday' passes through the same routes through which Jesus passed two thousand years ago on his way to the cross.

Strict security measures were in place in Jerusalem on Good Friday, and Israeli soldiers armed with automatic weapons were deployed along the procession route. 

The procession passed through its traditional route and ended at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, where Jesus was crucified according to Christian belief.

According to Christian tradition, Jesus was resurrected after his crucifixion at the same place where devotees celebrate Easter Sunday. 

According to another study, we also call Good Friday Easter Friday. Jesus Christ was crucified this Friday and on this holy Friday we commemorate the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and mourn in the churches for our salvation and death of Jesus Christ on the cross, because He died on the cross for our sins. 
But the Gospels never set aside this day to commemorate the death of Jesus Christ. The Gospel has given us complete freedom in these matters.

Romans 2: 1 “Some people know one day better than another and some people think all days are equal. Let everyone have full faith in their heart.

No specific day has been set to commemorate the death of Jesus Christ. Holy Friday is celebrated in the churches by offering thanksgiving prayers, remembering the death of God and the life-giving scene on God's cross, praising God and giving a message on God's crucifixion.

Why do people call this holy Friday Good Friday when what the Jews and Romans did to the Lord Jesus Christ was not good or good at all? As you can see in the chapter. While the death of the Lord Jesus Christ had very good results and the death of His cross proved that He would endure everything according to His promise and according to the will of His Heavenly Father. Maybe that's why we call this holy Friday Good Friday 

Romans 5: 1 But God shows us the love of his love, that Christ died for us when we were sinners.

1 Peter 2: 1 Therefore Christ, the righteous, suffered once for sins for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God. He was killed physically but was resurrected spiritually 

God sacrificed His only begotten Son for our sins. The Lord Jesus Christ was crucified for us because of us. He died physically and was resurrected spiritually. He is still alive and well

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