History of jews

Who are the Jews?

The Jews have been such a miserable nation for thousands of years Who has spent his whole life in disobedience to Allah Almighty.
Now we talk about his history.

What is a synagogue?

Why do Jews shed tears on the walls? To know all these secrets, we have to go back a few pages of their history, friends.

Which can be called the most important part of the history of the Jews.
Prior to the construction of the Temple of Solomon, the Jews did not have the idea or existence of a formal temple or its construction.

And they used to worship facing the side in which the coffin of Sakina was kept.

What is Sakina's coffin?

According to the traditions, the wood from which this coffin was made is called Shamshad. This coffin was sent from heaven to Adam (peace be upon him).

In the ark were the hopes of Prophet Moses (peace be upon him), the manna and salwa descending from heaven and the monuments of other prophets.

The Jews used to solve every problem with the blessings of this coffin. When they had wars with different nations, they would put the coffin at the forefront.

And with the blessing of this coffin, the Jews would win every battle. When David (pbuh) was given the kingdom, he built a regular palace for himself.

At that moment, it occurred to him that I myself lived in the palace while the coffin of my nation, Sakina, is still kept in the tent.

For this reason, Hazrat Dawood (as) intended to build a temple.
And Dawood (as) gave the responsibility of this work to his son Hazrat Sulaiman (as).

He gave it to his son Hazrat Sulaiman (as). Hazrat Sulaiman formally started the construction of the temple in the fourth year of his reign.

According to tradition, both humans and jinn took part in the construction of the temple. The temple was very grand and spacious.

After the tent it was a magnificent place and the coffin Sakina was kept here.
No one was allowed to go to the part of the temple where the coffin Sakina was kept except the greatest spiritual leader.
And so time passed.

But during this time prophets kept coming down to the children of Israel. But still this nation continued to be the worst and this nation was not ready to repent or get rid of their sins in any way and when they became extremely rebellious. God cursed the Jews.

(586) In BC, Nebuchadnezzar, known in the Bible as the prophet Nasr, was the king of Babylon, present-day Iraq, who invaded the Jewish kingdom.

He tore down this holy temple with his own hands and during the same war, according to tradition, this king killed six million Jews and took about two hundred thousand prisoners as captives and took them with him to Babylon, now Iraq.

Outside, a Jewish slave settlement was built and the settlement was named "Tel Aviv." Sakina was severely insulted.

But my God is the King of all kings and He is the Most Honorable, and God sent His punishment upon him and his people in the case that in 540 BC, King Zwalqarnain of Iran, known to the Jews as Cyrus, invaded Babylon.

Invaded and defeated the Babylonian Crown Prince in this battle, completely overthrowing the Babylonian Empire.

And not only Zawalqarnain did so but also helped in the construction of the temple and in a short time the temple was built but this time the coffin of Sakina was in the temple but there was no coffin.
No one knows what Bakht Nasr did with the coffin.

Some historians write that in order to save this coffin from further desecration, it was miraculously transferred to a safe place by the command of God, of which no human being has any knowledge.

Seventy years after the crucifixion of Jesus, God's punishment fell on the Jews again. This time the punishment sent by God was called Titus.

This man proved to be much more cruel than the Roman general of Babylon, Bakht Nasr.

This man put millions of Jews to sleep under the ground in one day.

He drove the Jews out of Jerusalem forever and it was a scene of God's curse and punishment on the Jewish nation.

After being expelled from Jerusalem, the Jews were scattered all over the world and were humiliated.After wandering for about eighteen to nineteen hundred years, when Britain occupied Palestine, at the same time, it gave birth to the illegitimate state of Israel in Palestine, and thus an illegitimate country to a cursed nation that has been humiliated and disgraced in the world for centuries.

Founded in the name of Israel, they were allowed to assemble there, and thousands of years have passed since that event, but this cursed Jewish nation has not forgotten that, and even today the capital of Israel is called Tel Aviv.

GG is the same settlement called Tal Abib which was settled by Bakht Nasr with Jewish prisoners and this is Bakht Nasr because of which the Jews still remember the temple of Soleimani and weep to this day.

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