An easy way to check pregnancy at home that gives 99% accurate results

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How to check pregnancy at home with the help of a strip Pregnancy test with a strip Pregnancy test method with a strip Pregnancy test method How to check the results Pregnancy Signs of no pregnancy To what extent does it give definite results?

(Photo: getty images)

There are so many types it's hard to say.

But in the past, when there were not many facilities for testing pregnancy, women used to test pregnancy in different ways, some of which were like this.

If menstruation was delayed from its date, women would think that they were pregnant. 

In addition to this sign, lethargy and nausea in the morning was also considered as an important sign of abortion as well as abdominal enlargement. 

There were symptoms such as weight gain, weight gain, etc. that made women think they were pregnant, but not all of these symptoms were a 100% sure way of testing and for that most women had to have a pregnancy test done in the laboratory. 

In recent times, home-based strip tests are performed to test for pregnancy, which is one of the best and proven methods of pregnancy testing.

How to check pregnancy at home with the help of strip?

This is the most popular way to check for pregnancy at home these days, but gynecologists tell all married couples to use this method every day to lose confidence in the test. 

This is why it is important to take care of certain things before checking the pregnancy through the strip.

If the menstrual period is delayed by one week then strip test should be done 

It is not advisable to repeat this test every day after intimacy

To test in case of one week delay of menstruation, if the result is negative then test again after two to four days.

If it is still negative then consult a gynecologist .

Ingredients for Strip Pregnancy Test

To test for pregnancy with a strip you need a bottle in which you can urinate. This bottle should be kept clean and dry. It should be thoroughly sterilized. 

Also need any brand of strip that is used for pregnancy test.

How to test for pregnancy by strip?

The first thing to do in the morning is to urinate in this bottle. Then take the strip out of its packet.

Take special care that the strip does not extend above the arrowhead in the urine. 

Leave the strip in the urine for eight to ten seconds. Quick removal does not achieve the desired results. 

Then take out the strip and put it in a dry place for a while and wait for the color change to start appearing on the strip. 

Within forty seconds to one minute the results will start appearing on the strip.

If the pregnancy test is positive, it is important to consult a gynecologist so that he or she can advise you according to your condition..

How to check results? 

(Photo: getty images)

A sign of pregnancy

If two clear pink lines begin to appear on the strip within forty seconds to one minute, it indicates that the pregnancy has stopped. One of the two lines can be clear and the other unclear.

Also, if the two lines are clear and of the same thickness and color, then it is a proof that the pregnancy has stopped.

Signs of not getting pregnant

If only one line is clear, it means that the pregnancy has not stopped yet or you have done the test too early. So repeat this test with a new strip after 48 hours 

If there is no sign on the strip 

If there are no signs on the strip, it is a sign that you have made a mistake during the test. 

Repeat this test with a new strip to get clear results.

To what extent does the strip give certain results in pregnancy?

In this regard, medical experts agree that the results of a strip pregnancy test are 99% accurate and can be trusted. 

However, it is important to know how many days after the menstrual date you are taking the test because it has a profound effect on the results...

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