love during online ludos Game The girl who illegally went to India returned to Pakistan

online ludos Game,Indian prison,Iqra Jiwani,India,playing ludo online,Border Security Force,Nepal,Karachi to Kathmandu,Nepal,Nepal-India border,News
Iqra Jiwali, 19, from Karachi who was released from an Indian prison and reached Pakistan
(image source: Express)

19-year-old Iqra Jiwani married 26-year-old Mulayam Singh after reaching India. 

Lahore: A 19-year-old Pakistani girl who went to India illegally after falling in love with an Indian youth while playing ludo online returned to Pakistan after being released from an Indian prison. 

India's Border Security Force (BSF) handed over 19-year-old Iqra Jiwani to Pakistan Rangers at the Wagah border in Lahore on Sunday evening. 

Iqra Jiwani tried to get visa to India but could not get visa, whereupon Mulayam Singh advised her to go to Nepal and then cross the border of Nepal and bring her to India. 

Iqra said that on September 19, 2022, she went from Karachi to Kathmandu, Nepal, where she married Mulayam Singh, and from there they both reached Bangalore after crossing the Nepal-India border. 

Here Iqra described herself as a Hindu girl, but one day her neighbors saw her praying in the house. In January 2023, she was arrested by Bangalore police and her Pakistani passport was also found. 

Iqra Jiwani was handed over to Pakistani rangers at the Wagah border yesterday and will be handed over to her family after routine interrogation.

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