Chalk on the walls of the British Embassy in Tehran

Britain's support is evident in the ongoing protests in Iran.  

For the second time, anti-British messages have been painted on the walls of the British Embassy in Tehran, the capital of Iran. 

According to Arab News, British newspaper The Daily Telegraph reported on Monday that the messages "den of spies" and "hub of terrorism" could be seen on the walls of the embassy building. 

In an incident last week, slogans such as "Death to England" and "Close this spy center" were shouted outside the embassy. 

The building was also attacked by pro-government students in 2011, who burned flags and destroyed property. 

Together with the British Ambassador to Iran, Simon Shercliffe, and local volunteers, they formed a crew to remove the graffiti and clean the walls. 

There is anger among pro-government forces in Iran at Britain for its support for the protests that have spread across Iran over the past four months. 

On the occasion, Iranian MP Ismail Kothari, a former commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, told Tasnim news agency that the Iranian Consultative Assembly is reviewing the law on diplomatic relations with Britain through the National Security Commission. 

British Ambassador to Iran Simon Cliff has praised Germany, France and Italy for helping Britain impose new sanctions on Iranian officials and the Revolutionary Guard.

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