Third week of protests in Iran, more human rights activists arrested

Mahsa amini
Mahsa amini

In Iran, since the death of Mehsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman in police custody, protests have been ongoing across the country and the government has been arresting human rights activists. 

Arab News quoted Radio Farda as saying that Monday. A university student named has been arrested. 

According to the report, Bhara Hidayat is a political activist and has been jailed several times in the past. Another political activist Hussain Masoumi was also arrested on Sunday. 

According to his family, nothing is known about Hussain. Not where they are. It should be clear that since the death of Mahsa Amini in Iran, the large-scale protests in different cities of Iran have now entered the third week. 

Using the terms 'riots' and 'insurrection'. And on this basis, she is arresting prominent human rights activists.

US and Israel are behind riots in Iran: Iranian Supreme Leader 

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has said that the United States and Israel are behind the growing wave of protests in the country. 

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says that 'I can say with certainty that the riots in Iran are organized by the United States and the Zionist government, in which their agents who take money from them are participating and For this, they have the support of the traitors of Iran living abroad.'

After Mehsa Amini's death, the 83-year-old leader's response has come out publicly for the first time, in which he urged the police to "stand up to the criminals." He said, "By attacking the police, They have been isolating people compared to criminals, miscreants and thieves. 

Remember, the protests that started with the death of Mehsa Amini in police custody on September 16 are increasing, while dozens of violent incidents have been reported so far. 

A number of people have died, including security personnel. On Monday, students clashed with police officers at a university in the capital of Iran, Tehran, and several people were arrested.

The AFP news agency, citing Iran's official media and human rights organizations, said that security personnel used tear gas and pellet guns on hundreds of protesting students at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran. 

Human rights organizations are expressing concern over the incidents of violence against protesters. 

Iran Human Rights Group wrote in a tweet that "At night, security personnel attacked Sharif University in Tehran and opened fire." 

"Similarly, in a video clip that has surfaced, people can be heard chanting 'Don't be afraid, we are together.'"Iran Human Rights says that this video is from the Shariati metro station in Tehran. 

The American human rights group "Center for Human Rights in Iran" says that the videos of Sharif University in which protesters are being tortured are alarming. while hiding those arrested.'

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