Resolution in the Security Council does not recognize the changed status of Ukraine

The General Assembly vote will highlight how isolated Russia has become internationally
The General Assembly vote will highlight how isolated Russia has become internationally

On Friday, the United Nations Security Council is voting on a resolution condemning the referendum to annex several regions of Ukraine occupied by Russia. this resolution was sent to the United States and Albania. Made from

The resolution is unlikely to pass due to Moscow's veto power, but it could be tabled later in the General Assembly. The meeting will be held at 3 pm on Friday. U.S. diplomat Linda Thomas Greenfield said the text of the resolution would condemn the referendum, described by the West as "shameful," and would ask member states not to recognize the changed status of Ukraine and Russia. 

Commit to withdraw its troops from Ukraine. Although the member states are sure that Russia will veto this resolution, all eyes are focused on India and China.

The two countries abstained from voting on a resolution condemning Moscow's attack on Ukraine in February, but China earlier this week called for all countries to respect the "territorial integrity". The General Assembly vote will make that clear. How isolated Russia has become internationally. 

The European Union is investigating the Nord One and Nord Two pipeline leaks into the sea
The European Union is investigating the Nord One and Nord Two pipeline leaks into the sea

On the other hand, Russia has said that "Germany knows that gas leakage from pipelines into the Baltic Sea is the result of state-sponsored terrorism." The European Union says it suspects the damage to the coasts of Denmark and Sweden was the result of 'sabotage'. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was 'likely an act of state terrorism'. As it appears. 

It is very difficult to imagine that such an act of terrorism could happen without state involvement. Russia has said it has benefited the US in a Battle of words with the West over who is responsible.

Moscow has previously said the leak occurred in an area under the full control of US intelligence agencies. will discuss the effects of If it was or there were other motives, who could be behind them? Russia has reduced gas supplies to Europe in response to the sanctions imposed after the invasion of Ukraine.

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