FACEBOOK : Meta Company faces lawsuit over alleged tracking of users' online activities

Meta has been accused of tracking users' web activities (image source: AP)

A lawsuit has been filed against the Meta company for allegedly tracking users' internet activities. 

2 Facebook users have filed a lawsuit in the court of the American city of San Francisco. 

These users allege that the Meta company violated Apple's 2021 privacy rules by bypassing state and federal laws and collecting users' personal data without their consent.

Another similar case was filed in the same court last week. The cases were filed based on a report that came out in August. 

The report said that the company tracks users when they click on links to websites in the Facebook and Instagram apps. 

Both these apps open web pages in the 'in-app browser' for this purpose. Responding to the report, Meta acknowledged that Facebook and Instagram monitor browser activity, but the company denied that it illegally collects user data.

Recent lawsuits filed against Meta have also focused heavily on alleged violations of Apple's privacy principles. 

Apple's 2021 rules require third-party apps to get users' permission before tracking online activities. 

Meta's revenue has fallen by $10 billion in a year since Apple changed its privacy rules. 

META has not yet released any statement on these cases.

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