Arrival of Chinese Navy ship at Sri Lanka port, India fears espionage

Yuan Wang-class tracking ship
The Chinese ship Yuan Wang 5 was received at the Hambantota port on Tuesday morning by Sri Lankan and Chinese officials (Photo: AFP) 

A Chinese Navy ship has arrived at a Beijing-built port in southern Sri Lanka, which is being viewed with suspicion in India. 

Earlier, security concerns raised by India in the port call of this Chinese Navy ship. There was a delay due to

The Chinese ship Yuan Wang 5 left for the Hambantota port and was received by Sri Lankan and Chinese officials on Tuesday morning. 

The development could raise concerns in India as it suspects China's growing influence in the Indian Ocean. 

Sri Lanka has described the Yuan Wang 5 as a 'scientific research vessel' but India fears that the vessel could be used to monitor the region. 

Described as a 'dual-purpose spy ship', The Indian Express newspaper wrote that the 'Yuan Wang 5 is a powerful tracking ship whose special aerial reach (reportedly around 750 km) means that Several ports in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh could be on China's radar. 

The developments around the ship are being watched closely and all this shows the rivalry between India and China in Sri Lanka. 

It should be noted that for more than a decade, Sri Lanka's strategic location in the Indian Ocean has been And in the busiest shipping lane, China and India are seen competing to increase their influence. 

According to the Associated Press, over the years, China has become the dominant country in its sovereign debt and infrastructure investment. 

But the recent economic collapse of Sri Lanka has created an opportunity for India to gain more influence. 

During this crisis, India has provided massive financial and material support to Sri Lanka.

Yuan Wang-class tracking ship,Yuan wang 5 current location,Yuan wang 5 specifications,Yuan wang 5 news,sri lanka china relations,india china conflict,
All this scenario shows the rivalry between India and China in Sri Lanka (Photo: AFP)

Sri Lanka's foreign ministry said late last week that the ship was allowed to dock at Hambantota until August 22. 

The foreign ministry statement added that China had agreed that the ship would be sent to Sri Lanka. 

It will not conduct any research activities while in Lankan waters. International affairs analyst Ranga Kalansuria has said that 'Given the geopolitical dynamics in the region and Sri Lanka's significant weakness on the economic front, Sri Lanka has two sides at the diplomatic level. 

is playing with fire.'The Yuanwang group of ships serves under both the Chinese missile force and the space program run by China's People's Liberation Army.

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