Iran agrees to allow nuclear inspections as per 2015 deal

Iran flag,iran nuclear programe
Permission will be given under the old agreement not one step more and not one step less. (Photo Reuters)

The head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization said on Wednesday that our country will not allow any inspections beyond the 2015 nuclear deal. 

The United States, along with world powers, is preparing to respond to Tehran's proposal to restore the nuclear deal.

Donald trump
The Iran nuclear deal was terminated by former US President Donald Trump. (Photo: getty images) 

Mohammad Eslami, the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, said that we are committed and agree to these inspections within the framework of the nuclear agreement made in the past. 

have done Inspections will be allowed under the same deal, not one step more and not one step less. 

It should be noted that on Monday, a senior US official said that Iran had agreed to restore some of its key nuclear programs. There is talk of reconsidering the demands. 

The U.S. official says those demands include insisting that international inspectors stop some investigations into Iran's nuclear program, making a deal more likely. 

Iran nuclear scientist
The new draft was prepared by the US, France, UK and Germany. (Photo Reuters)

Washington aims to respond quickly to a draft deal proposed by the European Union, which would bring back the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran that was scrapped by former US President Donald Trump while current President Joe Biden renewed the deal. 

Iran has said the nuclear deal with us can only be saved if the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) backs its claims about Tehran's nuclear program. Give up.

Iran nuclear bomb
These agreements are linked to restrictions that have been accepted in the past. (Photo Reuters)

Washington and other Western powers see Tehran's demand as outside the scope of revitalizing the nuclear deal. 

The 35-nation board of governors of the UN nuclear watchdog overwhelmingly approved a resolution in June drafted by the US, France. , was prepared by Britain and Germany. 

The draft criticized Iran for failing to explain traces of uranium found at three undeclared sites. 

A report published Wednesday in Iran's state news agency IRNA said that the head of the Atomic Energy Organization, Mohammad Eslami, reiterated Iran's claim that the unclear traces of uranium were claims by exiled Iranian dissidents and Iran's arch-enemy Israel. done by

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