Trilateral meeting, Erdogan calls for action against Kurdish fighters in Syria

The Turkish president said that he will continue his fight against terrorist organizations in the coming time. (Photo: Reuters)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has reiterated his stance on military action against Syrian Kurds at a trilateral summit in Tehran, despite Iran's supreme leader warning against any such move. 

On Tuesday, Erdogan told the leaders of Russia and Iran that he expects their full support in Ankara's fight against "terrorists" in Syria. 

The trilateral summit was hosted by Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi. Russian President Vladimir Putin also participated in the meeting. 

Apparently, the purpose of this summit was to end the conflict in Syria that has been going on for more than 11 years. 

Iran and Russia back the Damascus government, while Turkey backs rebel forces in Syria against the government of Bashar al-Assad. 

Turkey is also fiercely opposed to the semi-autonomous Kurdish administration in Syria's oil-rich northeast. 

In recent days, Erdogan has expressed his determination to start action against the Kurdish militants involved in the attacks carried out in Turkey in 2019. 

Both Russia and Iran maintain military presence in parts of Syria that have been mentioned as potential targets for a new Turkish offensive. 

It also rejected all attempts to create new realities on the ground in Syria, including the actions of illegitimate sovereign rule. 

Turkish-backed fighters are fighting Kurdish militias in Syria. (File photo: AFP)

In which he urged Russia and Iran to support Ankara's efforts to combat terrorism in Syria, Erdogan said, "It should be clearly understood that separatists are the future of our region." No place for terrorist organizations.' 

He said that we will continue our fight against terrorist organizations in the coming time.

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