Security improved during the Taliban era, but human rights violations increased

According to the United Nations, 700 Afghans were killed in the last one year. (Photo: AFP)

The United Nations has said regarding the human rights situation in Afghanistan that security has improved since the Taliban came to power, but hundreds of people were also killed. 

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) has also highlighted the difficult conditions faced by Afghan women and girls in a report published on Wednesday. 

And girls were deprived of their basic rights. UN Special Representative for Afghanistan Marcus Potzel said that "Our monitoring shows that although the security situation has improved since August 15, the people of Afghanistan, especially women and girls, have not been given their full rights."

 According to the report, since the Taliban took over the country in August 2021, 700 people have been killed while 1400 have been injured. 

Most of them have been the target of attacks by the banned Islamic State group, which has targeted schools, places of worship and other public places in the past year. 

(Photo: AFP)

The Taliban have imposed restrictions on girls' education and women's work since coming to power. 
While a woman is not allowed to travel alone without a husband. 

According to the United Nations, closing secondary schools for girls means that they will not be able to complete twelve years of basic education. 

The bottom line is, 'by confining women and girls to their homes, Afghanistan is depriving Afghanistan of all the benefits that can be gained from their inclusion. 

Provision of education to all is not only a fundamental right but also plays a key role in the development of any nation.

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