I will kill you, no one will be able to find your body Taliban threats to women

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The Taliban has banned the education of girls beyond the seventh standard. (Photo: AFP)

Human rights group Amnesty International has said that the Taliban's "suffocating" crackdown on women since coming to power last year has ruined the lives of Afghan women and girls. 

Amnesty International's report released on Wednesday said that the Taliban have also eliminated measures to protect women who are victims of domestic violence. 

Women and girls are detained for minor violations and have contributed to an increase in child marriages. 

The report also mentions torture and abuse of women arrested for protesting the ban by the Taliban. 

"Together, these policies create a system of oppression that discriminates against women and girls in almost every aspect of their lives." 

This suffocating crackdown on the female population of Afghanistan is increasing day by day. 

It should be noted that after capturing the capital city of Kabul in August 2021 and overthrowing the internationally backed government, the Taliban have positioned themselves as moderates. 

Initially, Taliban officials talked about allowing women to work and girls to continue their education. 

But after coming to power, he banned girls from attending school from the seventh grade and restricted women's access to work, which remains in place to this day. 

Amnesty International researchers visited Afghanistan in March this year for a nine-month long investigation from September 2021 to June 2022. 

They interviewed 90 women and 11 girls between the ages of 14 and 74 across Afghanistan.

According to the report, apart from violence, death threats were given to the women. (Photo: AFP)

These include women who were detained for protesting. They spoke of torture at the hands of the Taliban, including threats to kill them or their families. 

A university student taken into custody said she was electrocuted on the shoulder, face, neck and other places. They were shocked and insulted. 

A Taliban officer pointed a gun at them and said, 'I will kill you, and no one will find your body.' 

Another woman told Amnesty International that guards beat her and the other women between the breasts and legs 'so that we wouldn't show it to the world.'

Nothing will be said. The report further states that the rate of early and forced marriages of girls has increased in Afghanistan under the rule of the Taliban.

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