EU resumes talks on resumption of Iranian nuclear deal

Awaiting a constructive response on resuming the nuclear deal.

During a visit to Tehran on Saturday, EU foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell said talks with Iran on resuming a nuclear deal would resume in the coming days. 

He made the remarks at a news conference, citing talks on the resumption of the nuclear deal on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). 

The Vienna talks were close to resuming the nuclear deal.

Iran's state TV has reported that an EU official met with Iran's top diplomat on Saturday. 

He made it clear that the European Union was trying to break the deadlock between Tehran and Washington over the resumption of the nuclear deal with Iran. 

Awaiting Iran's constructive response to the deal, under which Iran curtailed its nuclear program in exchange for lifting economic sanctions. 

In a long and positive meeting with an EU official in Tehran, Iranian Foreign Minister Hussein Amir-Abdullahian said it was important for Iran to fully reap the economic benefits of the 2015 agreement. 

It should be noted that in 2018, the administration of US President Donald Trump had imposed strict sanctions on Tehran. 

In 2018, the US government imposed strict sanctions on Tehran.

The 11-day indirect talks between the United States and Iran in Vienna came close to resuming the nuclear deal in March, but stalled after some conditions were imposed by the two countries. 

Tehran insisted that Washington remove Iran's Islamic Guard Corps from the FTO's list of foreign terrorist organizations. France, a party to the deal, urged Tehran on Friday. 

He was asked to take advantage of the visit of EU foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell to Tehran to restore the agreement. 

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