Why is the trend of meat eating increasing in India despite the violent incidents?

According to the National Family Health Survey 2019-21, only 16.5% of men and women between the ages of 15 and 49 in India do not eat meat. 

For decades, vegetarianism in India has been interpreted as a religious, spiritual and pure trend, and the concept has been promoted by many right-wing Hindu organizations and political parties as a religious aspect.

In many BJP-ruled states, efforts have been made to curb the trend of meat-eating in various ways in the name of environment, sanitation and prevention of 'cow slaughter', and in many cities, especially Hindu religious The sale and consumption of meat is prohibited in local cities and towns. 

Nevertheless, the five per cent increase in the number of meat eaters in India in the last five years will come as a surprise to these organizations and parties. 

In the past, many Muslims have been killed by mobs on charges such as eating or selling meat

The number of carnivores in India continues to rise despite recent incidents of violence by Hindu groups in the name of selling or eating meat, closure of meat shops and restrictions on import and export of cattle. Is happening

According to the National Family Health Survey 2019-21, only 16.5% of men and women between the ages of 15 and 49 in India do not eat meat. According to the survey, India's population is mainly carnivorous.

According to the Family Health Survey, 83.4% of men in India are carnivores while 70.6% of women are carnivores. Significantly, the proportion of men who ate meat in the survey conducted in 2015-16 was 78.4, which means that the number of men who ate meat increased by five percent in five years.

On the other hand, the number of women has increased by only 0.6%.

MA Kalam, a professor of sociology, wrote in an article in the Indian Express that it is not easy to determine the cause of the increase in meat consumption among men. 

"But one of the main reasons is that men have more opportunities to eat out in restaurants and so on. Many households have restrictions on eating meat, but men are free to eat outdoors and can eat non-veg food without anyone knowing, while women are generally required to eat indoors. You have to stay. 

The survey identified people as carnivores or non-vegetarians who ate meat from fish, poultry, goats or any other animal.

According to the National Family Health Survey, meat consumption among Muslims, Christians and Buddhists is about 98%. Meat-eating among Buddhists has increased by five percent in the last five years. About 78% of Hindus are meat eaters and the trend of eating meat is increasing. 

According to the survey, only 57% of Sikhs eat meat and the trend of eating meat is gradually increasing in this community as well.

The most striking figures in this survey are the trends of the Jain religious community. Eating meat is strictly forbidden in Jainism. Eating meat is a major sin in Jainism. 

A survey conducted five years ago found that about 7% of people in the Jain religion ate meat, but a recent survey found that the number of meat eaters in the Jain religion has increased to about 27%, ie five years. The number of carnivores has increased by 20%.

The survey found that in most religious groups, women ate less meat than men. The survey also found that the majority of the country's population lacks the required healthy ingredients in their daily diet.

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