Tear gas shelling and aerial firing by Iranian police on protesters

Slogans of 'Incompetent officials should be killed' and 'Incompetent officials should be hanged'.

Police also fired aerial firing with tear gas shells to disperse protesters in the southwestern city of Abad, Iran. Were Relatives of the victims were mourning the loss of their loved ones.

Thirteen people, including the mayor and former mayor, have been arrested.

Local Iranian media reported that the protests continued for the third day in a row in Abadan, a city near the Iraqi border, and other cities in the province. 

They used tear gas and fired in the air to disperse people sitting near the rubble of the building. 

Protesters were demanding that those responsible for the crash be brought to justice. 

Slogans of 'Death to incompetent personnel' and 'Execution of incompetent personnel' were being chanted. 

At least 28 people were killed when a building under construction collapsed in Abadan.

Pictures released by the Fars News Agency show protesters in Bandar Mahshir, another town in Khuzestan Province, chanting traditional mourning drums and special mourning instruments with large platters.

The report reveals that Large numbers of people took to the streets in the central Iranian cities of Isfahan, Yazd and Shaheen yesterday to express their sympathy for the victims of the tragedy. 

A report published in the local news agency Tasnim said that earlier on Thursday A shop belonging to the family of the owner of the collapsed building in Abadan was set on fire by unknown persons on Friday night.

The protesters were demanding that the perpetrators be brought to justice.

Meanwhile, according to Iran's state news agency IRNA, Interior Minister Ahmed Wahidi, who is still in Abadan, said: "Two more bodies have been found in the wreckage, they have been sent for identification, so the death toll in the accident However, it was not immediately clear how many people were trapped under the rubble. 

Khuzestan's provincial judiciary arrested 13 people, including the city's mayor and two former mayors, as responsible for the crash. Is. 

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called for legal action and punishment for those responsible for the crash in a statement posted on the official website on Thursday. 

First Vice President Mohammad Mukhbar told state television There is widespread corruption among building contractors, builders, supervisors and the licensing system. 

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