Why Pakistani Religious Scholar Dr. Israr Ahmed's Channel Closed?

YouTube, the world's most popular video streaming platform, has shut down the channel of Dr. Israr Ahmed, the late founder of the Islamic Organization and a religious scholar. 

YouTube has told The Jewish Chronicle, a Jewish weekly, that Dr. Israr Ahmed's channels have been removed for violating a policy on hate speech. According to The Jewish Chronicle, YouTube has been investigating hate speech since last June. Earlier, according to the magazine, YouTube not only failed to remove the channels, but also did not respond. 

The Jewish weekly, The Jewish Chronicle, claims to have seen a video of Dr. Israr being held hostage at a synagogue in the United States.

In January of this year, four people were taken hostage by a man named Malik Faisal Akram at a synagogue in Coleville, Texas. He was shot dead by the FBI after a ten-hour siege, but all the hostages managed to escape safely. 

Malik Faisal was from Blackburn, UK. Weekly magazine The Jewish Chronicle claims that he was told by Malik Faisal's family that he used to watch Dr. Israr's video on YouTube.

Prohibition is worst form of Islamophobia

Amir Shujauddin Sheikh of the Islamic Organization says banning Dr. Israr's channel is the worst form of Islamophobia. 

Asif Hameed, a partner at Dr Israr's channel, Filmmakers should be held responsible for taking action.

These speeches of Dr. Israr are not new, they are many years old. He spoke in the light of Qur'an and Hadith. They used to refer to the Jews mentioned in the Qur'an. He never talked about provoking anyone. Our protests are also peaceful. The organization condemns any move to take Islamic law into its own hands.

Asif Hameed says that during the days of Ramadan, Dr. Israr's speeches are "heard not only in Pakistan but all over the world". Closing the channel this month is "evidence of Islamophobia." According to him, social media is a platform for dissent, on which "there is also material against Islam, has any action been taken against them". 

Asif Hameed said that YouTube has a common practice and he is in touch with the organization and is giving them his arguments. According to him, if they do not restore the channel, alternative methods of law will be adopted. 

Who was Dr. Israr Ahmed?

Dr. Israr Ahmed started his journey from the student organization of Jamaat-e-Islami and went on to become a religious scholar. He was born on 26 April 1932 in Hisar area of ​​present day Indian state of Haryana. He graduated from King Edward Medical College, Lahore in 1954 and later did his Masters in Islamic Studies from Karachi University in 1965.

According to the Islamic Organization, as a young student, he was influenced by Allama Iqbal and Maulana Abul Ali Maududi. He worked for a short time for the Muslim Students Federation and after the formation of Pakistan he remained associated with Islamic Jamiat students and then with Jamaat-e-Islami.

When the Jamaat-e-Islami decided to get involved in electoral politics, Dr. Israr Ahmed disagreed with it and said that to do so was not in line with the revolutionary methods of the organization and to part ways. He then co-founded the Islamic Organization with other deviant comrades.

Dr. Israr started a religious program on Pakistan Television in 1978 and later when private TV channels came, he was also associated with Quran TV. In 1981, he was awarded the Distinguished Civil Award Medal of Distinction.

Dr. Israr passed away in April 2010.

He had left the leadership of the Islamic Organization in 2002, long before that. The Islamic Organization has limited protests on local and international issues, while its propaganda campaign against usury and Valentine's Day continues.

Protest on social media 

Following the closure of Dr. Israr Ahmed's YouTube channel, there is a trend on social networking site Twitter called Dr. Israr 'Restore Ahmed's Channel' and 'Islamophobia' in which people are demanding that by tagging YouTube. Channel restored.

Asad ahmed writes,
As the whole world knows, Israel is an illegitimate state And an illegitimate and mischievous state never wants the reality of its society to be presented to anyone else.

Engineer Haroon Nazir, a user, writes, "What a shameful act, this is the true face of Islamophobia." 

Jawad Khan writes, "Everyone wants to hear his voice in Ramadan. Restore Dr. Israr's YouTube channel."

Asad Solangi writes, “YouTube deletes Dr. Israr Ahmed's YouTube channel with 2.9 million subscribers. He was an enlightened and strong scholar of Islam, his lectures have taught millions. Is this provocative! YouTube should restore the channel immediately.

Syed Harris writes that “an asset of the Muslim Ummah has been taken away from us and here we are sitting in silence and doing nothing. Please raise your voice and demand restoration of YouTube channel 'Dr. Israr Ahmed Official'.

Mohammad Ahsan Raza writes that “Dr. Israr Ahmed was a great man of knowledge. Whenever I watch his lectures. Pray for them, what a spirituality in a minute's video.  

 According to Salman Mansha, “It is totally unacceptable for Muslims and Pakistanis that Dr. Israr Ahmed's YouTube channel was abruptly removed. This shows that YouTube is anti-Muslim.

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