Ro Ro Al-Salami 6 crash: One Pakistani killed in cargo ship crash in Persian Gulf, another still missing

When Rehmat Ali's mother and wife call me from Swat and ask about him, I have no answer. Now I have stopped listening to their calls, what should I answer them?

This was said by Aziz-ur-Rehman, cousin of Rehmat Ali. Rehmat Ali was a member of the 30-member crew of the cargo ship Ro Ro Al-Salami 6, which crashed in Iranian waters on March 16.

According to Munsif, the Pakistani agent of the ship's company, the ship's destination was Iraq. New and expensive vehicles were loaded in it while 28 people were rescued after the accident. 

Two Pakistani crew members were initially reported missing after the crash. The body of Jamil Ahmad Khan from Karachi was found about a week later in the waters of Iran and is still in Iran while Rehmat Ali is still missing.

According to Jameel Ahmad Khan's brother Abul Hassan Jamal, Jameel has left his wife and two young children in mourning while Rehmat Ali's wife and his three-month-old daughter as well as his old mother are also worried for Rehmat Ali.

What happened to Ro Ro Al Salami 6?

The cargo ship Ro Ro Al Salami 6 was built in 1983. It had a total volume of 16,021 tons.

A company spokesman said the plane was en route from Dubai to Iraq. It was swept into the Persian Gulf and encountered waves, which caused it to sink into the sea.

According to the spokesman, 28 people were rescued by Iranian officials in a timely manner. According to the company's Karachi-based agent Munsif, there was an emergency situation after the accident.

"It was not clear who the two victims were," he said. After the accident, it was found out that both the victims were Pakistanis. 

"The company is trying to get Jamil Ahmed Khan's body delivered to Pakistan as soon as possible," the judge said. There are legal obstacles in its way. 

In addition to liaising with the Iranian government, possible efforts are being made to find Rehmat Ali on their own. The company will convey their obligations and legal rights to their families as soon as possible.

What happened to Pakistanis?

According to Aziz-ur-Rehman, very little is known about what happened to Rehmat Ali.

Aziz-ur-Rehman says, “We were told by another Pakistani crew member on board that when it was decided on board that now all the crew members would save their lives and the plane could not be saved, Rehmat Ali was with me. She jumped into the sea wearing a life jacket.

"Rehmat Ali stayed with me at sea for about half an hour, I could see him, but then he suddenly disappeared. I have no idea where they went. Rehmat Ali was not present when help came.

Abu al-Hassan Jamal says: "He was told by a Pakistani crew member that when it was decided that everyone had to save their own life and the plane could not be saved, then according to the training, everyone took their own life jacket and Among them was Jameel Ahmed Khan. 

"I was told that on this occasion Jamil Ahmed Khan also helped his partner to wear a life jacket," he says. 

Then everyone jumped into the sea in the hope that help would come soon but when help came Jamil Ahmed Khan was not among the safe people at that time. We were told seven days after the accident that his body had been found and was now in Iran.

Can't afford 

Abu al-Hassan Jamal says: "We have been told that a brother, son or father of Jameel Ahmad Khan will have to go to Iran to retrieve the body, where he will have a DNA test and then the authorities will give him the body." 

Legal procedures will have to be followed to recover the body. We are ready to do anything but the situation is that we do not have enough money to send anyone to Iran.

He said, "I teach tuition myself while my brother got a job on a plane because there was no work in Pakistan."

At the moment we are trying to get loans from different people to raise enough money to go to Iran to receive our brother's body.

Abu al-Hassan Jamal said that Jameel Ahmad Khan had said before leaving that he did not want to work for the ship for long. 

"He wanted to stay in Pakistan. With the money from this job, he will start a business in Pakistan so that he can focus on the education and training of his children.

Jamil Ahmad Khan's body was found about a week later in Iranian waters and is still in Iran

"Niece asks every day but no answer"

Abu al-Hassan says Jamil's eldest daughter is ten years old. Before leaving, Jamil had told his daughter that he would not go for such a long time after that.

"She asks me every day when Papa will come, why doesn't Papa call, bring her back soon."

"Rehmat Ali worked as a ship enthusiastically"

Aziz-ur-Rehman says that Rehmat Ali, who is about 22 years old, was very interested in seeing the world. 

He was a carpenter by profession. He could no longer see the world as a carpenter. By working on a plane, he found a way to earn money and see the world.

Aziz-ur-Rehman said that he was also banned but he started saying that he would also earn money and fulfill his hobby. There will be no time after that for my daughter to grow up and she will need me. 

He said he used to talk to his mother and wife daily in Swat.

His wife has been ill for some days now. He had said for the last time that I would reach any beach and send money, to see a very good doctor. 

"His mother is also crying and is in a bad condition and she is always praying for her son to be safe."

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