Breaking heat record: Is mango threatened by April heat this year?

Jaffar Gilani, a landowner from Lodhran district in Punjab province, said that the heat wave in Pakistan in April this year was more than normal and in this situation the mango crop is likely to be affected. 

According to Jaffer Gilani, in view of the current unusual weather conditions, they are irrigating their mango crop to minimize the risk of damage.

Jaffar Gilani is a mango farmer and a large area of ​​his land is currently bearing fruit on a mango tree. 

"We are trying to fight this heat at the moment as it could affect not only the size of the mango but also the average crop," he said. There may be an attack of the disease which may cause the fruits to fall from the trees.

According to Jaffar Gilani, the only way for them to deal with the situation at present is to provide more water to the mango orchards than usual, which they have been doing for the last several days.

Jaffar Gilani says that although they are providing extra water, there is a large number of farmers in Punjab who are suffering from water shortage as well as heat and this situation is increasing their difficulties.

Mahmood Shah, a farmer from Sindh province, says the wheat crop has already been affected by water shortages and high temperatures, and now the mango crop is likely to be affected.

According to the Pakistan Meteorological Department, Pakistan is currently experiencing severe weather conditions in which an average of 62% less rain has fallen in the month of March this year while the record of hot weather has also been set in the month of March. 

According to the Meteorological Department, higher temperatures are also being recorded in April this year.

Records of drought and severe weather 

According to Dr. Zaheer-ud-Din Babar, spokesman of the Pakistan Meteorological Department, records of heat and drought have been broken in the month of March this year since 1961. 

He said that March 1961 was the ninth major drought month since 1961. He said March 2022 was about four degrees above average. 

He said that in this way the temperature records in different cities of the country have been broken and also the records of low temperature have been broken. In the month of March, the temperature in Kalam has been more than minus five.

According to Dr. Sardar Sarfraz, Director, Sindh Meteorological Department, the temperature in Karachi has also been above normal. The normal temperature in March and the current month of April was four to six degrees higher, which broke the 2010 record. 

Dr. Hameedullah, Retired Director, Multan Mango Research Institute, says that the current situation is that the months of March and April are getting hotter and hotter. 

He said that April is the month in which the mango fruit is planted on the trees and its growth process continues during which the fruit is not only strong but also its potential size is determined.

According to Dr. Hameedullah, mangoes need adequate heat in the month of April and if the temperature rises more than required during these days, not only the fruit is likely to weaken and fall but also its size may be affected.

Dr Hameedullah said that if such a situation arises, farmers should water their gardens more than usual, which could potentially reduce the heat wave in the soil.

Shrinking winter and spring

According to Dr. Zaheeruddin Babar, there are various causes of climate change. One reason that was noticed at that time was the contraction of spring and winter seasons.

"This year, we have noticed that the duration of spring has been extremely short in many parts of the country, and as soon as winter has ended, summer has begun."

Dr. Sardar Sarfraz also says that this year it was felt that spring has not come in many areas or very few days have passed.

He said that there is no research to show how much the average number of spring days in Pakistan has decreased but based on observation everyone is feeling it and its negative effects are also being formed. Are

According to a 2016 report of the Meteorological Department, the summer season in Pakistan lasts for about 145 days but according to the Meteorological Department it has now increased to 170 days.

Which means an increase of one day each year in the summer season and a decrease of one day in the winter season. It is estimated that the average winter season has been reduced from 120 days to 85 days.

According to Dr. Sardar Sarfraz, at that time in Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan, the warning of the hatway was given after seeing various unusual weather conditions.

According to Dr. Sardar Sarfraz, the snowfall in the northern areas in January this year was not adequate due to climate change. He said that less snowfall in the mountains could lead to water shortage in the country. 

Dr. Sardar Sarfraz said that lack of or less rainfall has a more direct effect on rainfed areas. 

He said that when there is no rain in the plains, the use of tube wells increases which not only affects the ground water level but also affects the environment.

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