How did Pakistan's textile industry overtake India in domestic textile exports?

Ladies Garments manufactured in a factory located in Karachi, SINDH Province, Pakistan are exported to USA and UK. According to the factory owners, in recent times there has been an increase in the export of crafts made in their factory to the United States.

Along with the Pakistani and Indian communities living in the UNITED STATES, their works are also in demand in the local population. 
He said that the works made in his factory are worn with jeans as an easy dress. 
Earlier, these handicrafts used to go to the United States from INDIA and Bangladesh, but due to severe lockdown, their supply from there was disrupted. 
Factory owners say they still have export orders for the next five to six months, but they are concerned about rising cotton yarn prices in Pakistan, which could push up the price of their products in the future. 
I can affect their business.

textile industry

The factory owners said that the conditions were favorable for the export of their products from Pakistan which resulted in their good income but Zubair Chawla is uncertain about the future. 
According to him, the situation does not look so favorable now as the prices of cotton yarn have gone up which is not good for future deals. 
Exports of home-made garments from Pakistan, which is considered in the 'apparel' category in the textile sector, have increased exponentially this year and Pakistan has surpassed INDIA in exports of this sector.

Businessmen in the sector hail Pakistan's exports as a welcome development compared to INDIA, but are concerned about the continuation of the trend, partly due to a shortage of cotton yarn in the Country
The department may face difficulties in the coming days and may fail to meet export orders.

How much apparel was exported from Pakistan to USA?

According to a statement in the media by Razzaq Dawood, Pakistan's trade adviser, Pakistan is a major supplier of apparel to the United States during the Corona Warriors. 
Although India and Bangladesh lead the US market in this sector, imports from this sector to US increased by 3.2% till February this year and Pakistan topped the list. 

Talking about Pakistan's performance in this sector, Razzaq Dawood said that it shows that Pakistan has become a reliable supplier of these items in the world.

Javed Balwani, chairman of the Pakistan Apparel Forum, told a news channel in an interview that T-shirts, pajamas, jogging tracks and other such products have become more popular in the United States. 
He said that Pakistan's performance in this sector has been good in the past and Pakistan has already performed well in the US market in the field of these garments and it has been competing with India and China.

What is the reason for US exports more from Pakistan?

Talking about the high export of April from Pakistan to the United state, Javed Balwani said that Pakistan benefited from two or three factors. 
On the one hand, despite the Corona virus epidemic in Pakistan, severe lockdown was not imposed and our factories continued to operate due to smart lockdown, on the other hand, due to severe lockdown in India, their manufacturing sector was affected and they came from the United States. Failed to fulfill orders.

Javed Balwani said that due to Corona Lockdown in the United States, people are confined to their homes and at home they wear T-shirts, pajamas etc. or use jogging tracks for exercise. 
The use of these garments also increased due to people living in their homes, which increased the demand and benefited Pakistan. 
He said that India had failed to meet the demand due to lockdown in its country which benefited Pakistan and its apparel exports to US increased. 

Ejaz Khokar in this regard said that the export of US home textiles from Pakistan has increased ie home-made products and garments due to which people are confined to their homes due to lockdown in US.

He said that the lockdown in India had benefited Pakistani exporters but at the same time the US dispute with China had also benefited Pakistan's export sector. 
Explaining this, he said that due to some issues in China's cotton region, the United States was boycotting cotton products from the region, which was benefiting Pakistan.

Will the growth in domestic garment exports continue?

People in the sector are not optimistic about the future performance of home appliances, which are being exported more from Pakistan to the United States. 
He says that once India's manufacturing sector is fully operational, it will be difficult for Pakistan to maintain this trend.

He said that with the opening up of India's manufacturing sector, there are internal problems facing the sector within Pakistan, the main reason being shortage of cotton production in the country and low supply of yarn which is the main raw material of this sector.
Is. Ejaz Khokhar said that the prices of yarn in Pakistan have gone up a lot and it is increasing the production cost of this sector. 

He said that a cartel of spinning mills has also been formed in Pakistan which is taking undue advantage of the shortage of cotton and yarn in the country. 
He said that right now Pakistan is benefiting from the lockdown in India but as soon as the lockdown in India is over and their factories start production then Pakistan may be deprived of this golden opportunity.

Ejaz Khokar said that India has produced 5 million bales more than last season. 
On the other hand, the production of cotton in Pakistan is continuously declining and this year only 6 million bales of cotton were produced while our consumption is 12 million bales. 
"At a time when Pakistan is benefiting from the lockdown in India and can permanently enter the US market, the shortage of yarn here could be dangerous for its future," he said. 

Javed Balwani termed the yarn shortage as a ploy of the spinning sector lobby and said that this sector is mostly in the hands of political people who are against the import of yarn from outside the country and create shortage here.

He said that if today Bangladesh is ahead of Pakistan in the world in the field of garments then the reason is also the spinning sector. 
Javed Balwani said that Bangladesh entered the world market through sewing machine ie they make garments and manufacture and sell value added products in the world. 

"We entered the world market with a spinning thread in the textile sector, which left us behind in value addition."

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