Do you know what was the first video on YouTube

Do you know what was the first video on YouTube?

People around the world use the video platform YouTube for news, entertainment, information and other purposes, but many do not know which video was first uploaded to YouTube 15 years ago.

Let the users know that the first video called 'Me at the Zoo' was actually uploaded on YouTube 15 years ago by the co-founder of YouTube, Jawad Karim. The video was the platform's first video lasting 19 seconds. A year after the video was uploaded, Jawad Karim, along with other co-founders, sold the video platform to Google for 1.65 billion. This is the only YouTube video of Jawad Karim which has been viewed 222 million times so far.
In the short video 'Me at the Zoo', Jawad Karim stands in front of the elephants and says in amazement about their trunk that it is really long.

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