A new epidemic like Corona. Bill Gates' warning shocked the whole world

A new epidemic like Corona. Bill Gates' warning shocked the whole world...

Bill & Melinda Gates, chairman of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, immediately warned that Code 19 did something and that the plague would take the world by storm. Recognized that since the apocalypse 19, the power of the disease has dramatically diminished as people have become more immune to the virus. He added that Bill Gates had said that corona viruses were suffering from a variety of pathogens, but hoped that the current investment in medical technology would give the world new abilities to fight it. Go. Help out

Bill Gates pointed out that the corona virus has been around for almost two years and that the worst effects of the epidemic are diminishing due to some degree of immunity in a large part of the world's population. Instead of giving credit to global efforts to control the epidemic, Bill Gates said that as the virus spreads, so does the immune system, and vaccines continue to grow. More than that, the virus has played a key role in eradicating the virus, he said, adding that the risk of serious illness, which is often associated with old age and obesity or diabetes, now dramatically increases the risk due to immunity to the infection. Have been reduced.

Bill Gates said that by mid-2022, the World Health Organization's goal of vaccinating 70% of the world's population was too late, with 61.9% of the world's population now receiving at least one dose of the vaccine. Urges health professionals and officials to move faster to develop and distribute vaccines when the next epidemic strikes the world. Bill Gates added in his interview And instead of two years, we should do it within six months.

According to experts, Bill Gates' warning is not tired of the Corona virus, but the whole world is being destroyed by the Concorona, the world's economy is being destroyed. If you can make things worse, especially those whose economy has caused them a lot of trouble.

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