Hijab ban in India

Hijab ban in India - US also raised its voice...

The United States has also taken a stand against the ban on hijab in Indian educational institutions. The United States has declared the ban on hijab in India as a violation of religious freedom. According to details, Rashid Hussain Calling it a violation of religious freedom, he wrote that religious freedom includes freedom of choice of dress. In the Indian state of Karnataka, banning female students from wearing the hijab is a violation of religious freedom.

It should be noted that in the Indian state of Karnataka, wearing of hijab in colleges was banned due to which a series of protests started in India. Voices are being raised against the ban on hijab from all over the world.

Prohibition on hijab. US refrains from intervening. India warns...

India has warned the United States in the wake of the global uproar over the hijab controversy that provocative comments on India's internal affairs are not welcome. The issue of dress code in some educational institutions is pending in the Karnataka High Court.

It may be recalled that Arndam Baghchi's statement came at a time when the bravery of the hijab student Miskan Khan in the face of Hindu extremists had received praise from all over the world and on this issue some countries had questioned India on the issue of hijab. What kind of personal freedom is the ban? It should be noted that Rashid Hussain, a senior official of the American Institute for Religious Freedom, had said in a tweet that the ban on wearing hijab in educational institutions in the Indian state of Karnataka is a violation of religious freedom. He said that religious freedom includes freedom of choice of dress.

Hijab ban in India, OIC also came to the fore...

Hijab controversy has intensified in India. Hindu extremists are preventing hijab students from attending classes. Colleges and schools in India are also giving full support to Hindu extremists. Government institutions have also become puppets of Hindu extremists.

Controversy over ban on hijab intensifies in India ... School closed for three days...

Controversy over ban on hijab escalates in India. College students take to the streets, while all schools in Karnataka are closed for three days. Are protesting Hundreds of people protested against the ban in two cities of Karnataka yesterday. Protests by extremist Hindu-Muslim students in the Indian city of Odupi could not be tolerated. Indian extremists in orange mufflers have taken to the streets to protest against hijab-wearing students. Last month, Muslim students were barred from wearing the hijab at a government school in Karnataka, prompting bans on two other educational institutions. Were done.

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