France: Riots erupt over the killing of a young man by the police, more than 150 people are arrested


In France, protests against the killing of a young man by the police have continued for a second day and riots have erupted. 

According to foreign media, there have been clashes between protesters and police in many cities, including the French city of Toulouse. Demonstrators attacked the police and burned several vehicles. 

During the protest, the protesters also ransacked schools and set fire to several schools, including the police station and other buildings. 

According to foreign media, the police arrested over 150 people involved in the riots. 

French President Macron called a meeting of senior ministers on the situation in the country, in which he said the death of a young man at the hands of the police was inexcusable, but that violent protests over the death of a young man is also unjustified. 


The French police apparently shot dead a young motorist named Nile two days ago during an interrogation in a suburb of Paris. But he went out and started vandalism, arson and protests. 

Police claimed the 17-year-old Algerian driver tried to run him over. 

According to eyewitnesses, the young man was driving a rental car, the police opened fire without provocation.

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