Modi government's preparations to demolish 5 houses and 3 mosques belonging to Muslims have been completed

NEW DELHI: The Modi government plans to deport 50,000 Muslims under the guise of the Supreme Court verdict, which will start tomorrow. 

According to Indian media, 4,000 houses, mosques and hospitals built illegally on 29 acres of Indian Railways land are being demolished in Haldwani town in Uttarakhand. 

The residents of the area, who have lived here for generations, have appealed this cruel move by the Modi government in the Supreme Court, which will hear the case tomorrow, Thursday. 

The decision of the Supreme Court will not be known until tomorrow, but the local administration has taken every step to clean up the slum. 

Which the Modi government declares as railway land and calls it an illegal occupation. Four government schools, banks, mosques, hospitals and two large water tanks have been under construction for decades. 

Almost half of the residents also have rental papers. Local residents say that if it was railway land, the railway should have filed a suit against the encroachment, but the suit was filed by an extremist Hindu leader. 

It should be noted that more than 50,000 people live in this area and most of them are Muslims.

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