Anas Haqqani: Mister Harry! Those you killed were people not chess pieces

Doha: Taliban leader Anas Haqqani has condemned Britain's Prince Harry for his confession to killing 25 people in an operation in Afghanistan and strongly condemned the testimony. 

According to the World News Agency, Britain's Prince Harry's book Spear, in which the prince has made many startling discoveries and confessions that sparked a new debate, is set to be published soon. 

Prince Harry, who served in the British Army for 10 years, admitted in an excerpt from his autobiography that he served as a pilot during the Afghan operation and took part in six sorties. 

The British prince wrote that 25 people were killed in these airstrikes which he is neither sorry nor proud of as the dead were syringe seals. 

Anas Haqqani, leader of the Afghan Taliban and a member of the Qatar negotiating team, tweeted that Mister Harry! Those you killed were people not chess pieces. They also had families awaiting the safe return of their loved ones. 

Anas Haqqani complained that many of those who killed Afghan civilians during the fighting did not have the decency to show remorse and admit to battle crimes. 

The Taliban leader also wrote that the truth is what you said. Our innocent people were pawns to your soldiers, military and political leaders. However, you lost in this "game" of black and white "squares". 

Anas Haqqani said that with your confession I am not expecting the ICC to call you or the human rights activists to try you for going deaf and blind in the case of your people, but they hope. That your atrocities will go down in human history.

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