18 children died in Uzbekistan after drinking cough syrup made in India

Authorities in Uzbekistan have said at least 18 children have died after drinking cough medicine believed to be manufactured in India, while Indian authorities opened an investigation. 

According to NDTV, the Uzbek Health Ministry issued a statement Thursday saying the children who died were ingesting a cough syrup called Doc-1 Max, made by Noida-based company Marin Biotic. It's done. 

The statement also said that this syrup was given to children at home without a doctor's prescription and that more than the required amount was given. 

It was also noted that the children were given this syrup two to seven days before admission to the hospital, the exact amount of which is two decimal places five to five milliliters three to four times a day and this exact amount has not been taken into account. . gone 

The same syrup was used by parents to prevent colds and flu. Doc-1 Max tablets and syrup have been recalled from medical stores across the country following the children's deaths, according to the statement. 

Likewise, seven employees were fired because they did not properly assess the situation and take timely action. 

After the incident, the Central Drug Standards Organization and Uttar Pradesh Drug Control will conduct a joint investigation, while a report assessing the victims has also been requested from Uzbekistan. 

This is the second time in a year that there has been such a complaint about the cough medicine made in India. Previously, the case of 70 children who died in The Gambia was also linked to Madin Pharmaceuticals in Haryana. 

The Central Drug Standards Control Organization also closed one of its units in October for violating standards. 

The World Health Organization said Madden's drug had been analyzed and found it contained "unacceptable" levels that could be toxic and cause kidney disease.

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