Several girls arrested in Iran for not wearing headscarves accused of violating religious values

Hijab must be worn by women after the 1979 revolution in Iran
Hijab must be worn by women after the 1979 revolution in Iran (photo:AP)

Iranian police have arrested several girls and organizers for not wearing a scarf on a skateboarding day in the southern city of Shiraz. 

"Several girls removed their hijabs at the end of the game, disregarding religious values ​​and legal principles." 

He added that holding any mixed sport or event without adhering to religious and legal principles is prohibited. 

He said the organizers would be dealt with in accordance with the law. 

Video of 'Go Skateboarding Day' on social media The governor of Shiraz, Lutfullah Sheibani, said the ceremony was held with the intention of breaking social, religious and national norms and traditions. 

It should be noted that after the 1979 revolution in Iran, women must wear the hijab. 

However, in the last two decades, in major cities, including Tehran, it has been observed that women wear more hair with the hijab and do not wear the traditional hijab. 

Iranian state media said on Sunday that police had arrested 120 people on charges of alleged criminal activity, including drinking alcohol, mixed dancing and not wearing the hijab at a party in a forest in the north of the country. 

Only non-Muslim citizens are allowed to drink alcohol for religious purposes, while a woman is not allowed to dance with a man. 

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