Naupur Sharma's controversial statement on Prophet of Islam, Al-Qaeda threatens suicide attacks in India

The terrorist organization Al-Qaeda has threatened to launch attacks in India in response to controversial statements made by two leaders of India's ruling BJP about the Prophet of Islam. 

A US-based watchdog group called Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has called for an end to the insurgency. Insult Islam. 

The statement said that "in response to this insult, the hearts of Muslims all over the world have been bloodied and filled with feelings of revenge." 

The statement came after two BJP members made controversial remarks about the Prophet of Islam. 

Naupur Sharma had made an objectionable comment about the Prophet of Islam in a news channel program. 

Apart from Nopur Sharma, another BJP spokesperson Naveen Kumar Jundal also tweeted about the Prophet of Islam. 

Their remarks drew strong reactions from Islamic countries in the Arab world. Qatar also demanded an apology from India. 

Seeing the controversy escalating, the BJP said that it was not the party's opinion and that Nopur Sharma had been suspended and Naveen Kumar Jundal had been expelled from the party. 

Many analysts believe that the issue will force India's ruling BJP and its allies to take a responsible stance.

India's relations with Arab countries have always been cordial. Millions of Indians work in the Gulf countries and only 3.5 million Indians work in the UAE, including a large number of Hindus. 

Al-Qaeda's subcontinent-linked group was launched in 2012 and reportedly has operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Myanmar and Bangladesh. 

According to the Indian Express newspaper, India's Central Intelligence Agency has confirmed the threatening letter and asked all concerned state police forces to remain on high alert. 

The threatening statement issued on June 6 added, "We will kill those who insult our prophet and we will tie explosives to our bodies and the bodies of our children so that their ranks Blow up those who dare to insult our Prophet. 

They will not be forgiven and this matter will not end with any words of condemnation or regret.

The statement called on other people to fight for the honor of the Prophet of Islam. The letter said that saffron terrorists should now wait for their fate in Delhi, Mumbai, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat. 

They will not find refuge in their homes or in their strongholds. " The NDTV channel reported that the BJP has now directed its spokespersons and media personnel to focus on the welfare of the central government instead of religious rhetoric. 

According to BJP sources, only approved spokespersons and panelists will take part in the televised debate and have been warned against criticizing any religion, religious symbols or religious figures. They have also been asked to explore and read the topics of discussion. 

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BJP leader Nopur Sharma's controversial statement on Prophet of Islam

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