Israel plans to form air defense alliance with Arab countries

US President Joe Biden will visit Saudi Arabia next July

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Guinness has said that Israel is forming a US-sponsored air defense alliance in the region, which will be greatly assisted by US President Joe Biden's visit to Saudi Arabia next month. 

According to the British news agency Reuters, Israel has improved its relations with US allies that consider Iran a threat to them and is now being offered a joint air defense system.

Gulf states and Arab leaders are still silent on Israel's proposed joint air defense system for the region.

The United States hopes that cooperation between Muslim countries in the region and Israel, especially in the areas of defense and security, will bring these countries closer to Israel and help isolate Iran in the region.

The agreement will further improve Israel's relations with Arab and Muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia, the most important country in the region. Israel has already established trade and diplomatic relations with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain under the Abraham Accord.

Israeli Defense Minister

Briefing Israeli lawmakers, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Guinness said the joint air defense system had been dubbed the "Middle East Air Defense Alliance" and that co-operation had already begun.

Citing an Israeli official document, Reuters quoted the Israeli defense minister as saying: Cooperation between the countries of the region will increase.

 It should be noted that relations between Saudi Arabia and the United States have been strained since the assassination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. 

There has been no contact between Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman since President Joe Biden took over the presidency. 

US President Joe Biden and his Democratic party have been taking a hard line on the assassination of Jamal Khashkji, who is accused of killing Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. 

The street on which the Saudi embassy building is located in Washington recently has been named after Jamal Khashoggi. 

At a State Department press briefing on July 16, when State Department spokesman Ned Price was asked to comment on naming the road after Jamal Khashkiji, he flatly refused.

President Joe Biden will attend the GCC summit during his July 13-16 visit to Saudi Arabia. 

The leaders of Iraq, Egypt and Jordan have been specially invited to the GCC summit, which is why it has been named the GCC Plus Three. 

A meeting of GCC Plus III will be held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

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