Blast in cuba

A blast near a Cuban hotel has killed at least 22 people, including a child, and injured 70 others

"It was not a bomb or an attack," said the Cuban president

A bomb blast near the northern city of Havana has killed at least 22 people and injured more than 70 others, Speaking at the scene, President Miguel Diaz-Kennel said the explosion at the historic Hotel Saratoga was caused by a gas leak. 

The president later said that "it was not a bomb or an attack in any way, it was just a tragic accident." 

Hundreds of Cuban citizens and tourists gathered near the building after the blast, while police cordoned off the area around the hotel. 

Many speculated about the cause of the blast, while ambulances and rescue workers pulled the injured and trapped people out of the rubble. 

Authorities said more than 300 students were at a nearby school at the time of the blast. 

The health ministry said at least 15 children had been injured in the blast, which took place on Friday evening. 

Cuban Tourism Minister Juan Carlos Garcia said "according to initial reports, no foreigners were killed or injured in the blast."

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