How did the mobile phone become the Palestinian more powerful weapon than the gun?

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Large numbers of Palestinians have now moved to Tik tok

Israel has long dominated the Palestinians in its effective use of social media, but now Palestinian youth are using the weapon wisely. 

Hundreds of Palestinian accounts on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and Instagram have been shut down over Israeli claims of posting "provocative content." 

But the Palestinians are unwilling to bow to such sanctions. 

Many of them have now moved to TikTok, the most popular Chinese short video application, which is fueling Israeli outrage. 

Accused of posting 'provocative material'. However, Facebook has blocked many accounts based on these allegations. 

It should be noted that in recent days, the situation in the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem has emerged as an effective weapon. 

"Free Palestine" has been constantly trending on this application. 

Mobile cameras in the hands of Palestinians have become an effective way to show the world the details of events and the other side of the picture. 

Played a key role in inciting, after which the conflict lasted for 11 days. 

Tik-tok videos by young Palestinians provoked others to join the Israeli army. According to international social media sources, January 2020. 

I had 3 million 37 thousand internet users in Palestine which is 70% of the total population of Palestine.

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