Warning! Never eat these foods in summer...

Most people suffer from headaches, body aches and other serious illnesses in hot weather but by dieting we can potentially avoid these illnesses.

According to a study published by medical experts, these diseases are transmitted to us through air and water in summer, but if we are careful, there is no danger. 
We can avoid these diseases by making some changes in our diet. 
Some special items are included. 
The following items cause an increase in body temperature and weaken the immune system.

Skip hot drinks

We often start our day with hot drinks, most notably tea and coffee, their use in summer causes an increase in body temperature. While the body may be dehydrated, we should use green tea or iced coffee as an alternative in hot weather which can help in maintaining good health.

Greasy products

Fat-rich foods include fast food or fried foods that are unhealthy for other seasons, including summer. 
These foods also have the power to raise body temperature.

Dairy products

As the weather warms, a person's body temperature naturally rises. Consumption of dairy products, including yogurt, cheese and butter, can have negative effects.

Don't eat dried fruit

Never use dried fruits in the summer, including dates, raisins and apricots. These fruits are good for our health but can be harmful to the body temperature in hot weather. 
It can also make you itchy and tense.

Disadvantages of spices

We usually use spices like cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper and cloves in our food. 
They enhance the flavor and aroma of food but can be dangerous for you in hot weather. 
Experts recommend adding a limited amount of food in a balanced way by adding cold spices like cumin and organic mint.

Avoid roast meat

Roast meat is also called tandoori meat which is cooked at high temperature. The heat of the season and the meat from above together have a serious effect on the human body temperature, it also has a risk of cancer.

Artificial food items

If you want to avoid summer fatigue, bloating and depression, stop using artificial foods, especially sauces and salads. These are called processed foods.

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